Ever since the first time on Monday, Jack and I have had phone sex twice more. Both times were amazing but obviously we still very much missed actually being with each other and having actual sex.
The first time we did it again on Wednesday was when my mom was at work in the evening again so I was able to sneak my phone away just like on Monday. The second time we did it again was yesterday. But this time, my mom wasn't at work. Instead, my mom actually stopped taking my phone away from me.
Since yesterday, I was now free to keep my phone. My mom allowed this because in her eyes, I was completely obeying her and not seeing or talking to Jack at all. Little did she know, we were calling each other as much as possible and spending as much time with each other as we could at school.
Sure, I did feel bad that she was rewarding me when I 'didn't deserve it' but then again, there was NO WAY I was going to fully stop seeing Jack. Besides, although I apologized to her and we were on good terms now, I was still definitely very pissed off at her for all this.
On another note, over the past few days, I noticed that mom was seeming to actually be talking to dad more. And not even in an angry way. They almost sounded normal again which surprised me.
It actually excited me a bit as well. Because maybe if they were finally on good terms, mom would finally let me see Jack again. And she would just end this entire break in general for good.
Anyway, I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed for the day. I put on a grey cropped t-shirt with some army printed cargo pants. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went downstairs to leave.
Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I right away noticed my mom wasn't sitting in the living room like she usually was. I furrowed my eyebrows, quickly looking down both of the halls on either side of me. She always was there to say goodbye to me before I left for school.
Soon after, I began hearing faint voices down the hall to the left of me, opposite of where the front door was. So I began walking down that hall. A few steps down the hall I realized that it was my mom and dad talking and they were in the kitchen.
I quickly walked to the kitchen but right away stopped by the door frame when I saw my parents. They couldn't see me from where I was because they were facing kind of away but I could easily see them.
Mom was standing right by the sink, washing dishes. My dad was standing right behind her with his front against her back and his arms around her waist. They were both talking quietly to each other and giggling as she washed the dishes. My dad leaned down and kissed her cheek quickly, making them both giggle more.
I sighed as I looked at them, leaning my shoulder against the door frame. Watching them all cutesy like this was giving me STRONG mixed feelings.
On one hand I was happy to see my mom happy with my dad again. For a while, she's been very upset with him and even ignoring him. So knowing they were on good terms again was relieving and nice to know.
But on another hand in genuinely pissed me off to see, A LOT. I knew it was kind of mean and unfair, but I couldn't help it. Like why did my mom get to completely destroy my relationship, then just a few weeks later, go back to her relationship. That was so fucking unfair, it made my blood boil.
This feeling of anger was honestly easily overpowering the happy feeling..
I swear to god, she better let me have my Jack back if she was planning on going back on good terms with dad.
I rolled my eyes as I turned around and began walking away. I walked to the front door, quickly put on my shoes then left the house, shutting the door somewhat hard behind me.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...