The Next Day...
I groaned very quietly as I slowly began to wake up from my amazing sleep. I squinted my eyes open slowly to be faced with shirtless Lucas, facing me but still asleep. I was quick to rub my eyes and open them again, much more wide this time as I was shocked with what I was seeing. Then I felt one of his arms loosely around me. And then I noticed one of my legs was resting on top of him. I also looked down and realized I was only in my tank top and underwear.
At first, I didn't remember what happened last night after we went to the theater room.
Slowly and carefully, I tried to get out of his grasp and move a bit away. But just as I slowly started lifting his arm, I noticed his eyes beginning to open slowly. His entire body began shifting a tiny bit as his eyes opened half way.
Right when his eyes landed on me, his eyes widened a bit as if he was just as surprised as well. He was quick to move his arm off me and I did the same with my leg. We shifted more away from each other on the sofa bed before sitting up.
We looked down at ourselves and remembered that we were both way too underdressed for each other. Lucas was quick to grab his shirt and begin putting it on as I grabbed my sweatpants and put them on. After getting my sweatpants on, I grabbed my cardigan and put it on as well because I wasn't wearing a bra under my tank top and it made me uncomfortable.
After getting my clothes on, I looked up, ahead of me and immediately noticed something on the ground in front of the sofa bed. I crawled to the end of the bed and reached down to grab whatever it was that I was looking at. The room was quite dark sine the lights were off so I couldn't see what it was that I was looking at.
I grabbed a hold of what I was looking at and lifted it up. That's when I noticed it was an empty Budweiser bottle. I looked back down and now was able to see three more bottles.
I grabbed the three other bottles as well then turned to Lucas with my eyes slightly wide to show him. His eyes widened a little bit as well when he saw them. "Well, that explains the headache.." Lucas said quietly, sighing as his hand went on his forehead. Now that he mentioned it, I had a pretty bad headache as well.
As I looked back down at the bottles and for whatever reason, that sparked my memory. I suddenly remembered everything Lucas and I did last night.
We hooked up... because I wanted revenge on Jack.. Oh my god. How could I do something like this?! This wasn't me AT ALL. But apparently it was the drunk version of me...
"Lucas.." I spoke quietly but firmly, looking back up him with slightly wide eyes but a concerned look. He looked back at me as well. "Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked him quickly. He looked down as he began trying to think back at it. But then his eyes suddenly widened.
"No way.." He mumbled quietly, looking back up at me with his wide eyes. "I'm sorry.." I continued to speak quietly as I went back over to him, sitting beside him. "What? Roni, what are you sorry for?" He asked me quickly, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at me. He held my hand in both of his.
"Well, it was kind of me who initiated what we did when I brought up getting revenge on Jack..." I said, sighing as I looked down. "It's alright Roni, it was both of us. You don't have to worry about any of that." He told me, lifting my chin. "Are you sure..?" I said, still feeling bad. He nodded, smiling. I smiled a little bit as well.
"Also um.. w-we can both agree that last night was without any feelings, right?" I said, clearly feeling very awkward. Obviously I still didn't feel any romantic feelings towards Lucas. He was only a very good friend of mine and one-time drunk sex was not going change that. "Yeah, yeah. I promise, it was only because I wasn't thinking straight." He answered quickly, sounding firm but also with a smile. I almost sighed in relief, hearing this.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...