Getting Closer | 7

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Next Monday... 

I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed. I got dressed in a light navy blue sweatshirt along with some denim shorts. I left my hair down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack. 

We walked up to math class together as usual but now the seat beside Ema was kind of where Jack sat everyday now without question. It didn't really bother me, I was happy he found someone he liked. I just kind of missed him a little. 

And also it would be a little bit better if the girl he liked wasn't friends with Dara and Alena but it wasn't at all my decision anyway so whatever. 


I walked into the room and went over to where Jeremy was sitting since we were planning on getting to practicing right after the teacher finished talking. The teacher talked to the class for about two minutes before letting us continue to work on our assignment. 

Both Jeremy and I agreed that it was really hard to practice in the loud classroom where there wasn't much space so we decided to ask our teacher if we could practice in the staircase that was right outside the room. Luckily the teacher allowed us to do so.

So, we left the room together and went into the staircase. We were just about to start a practice scene when Jeremy quickly spoke up.

"Hold on. So, at the end, do you want me to actually kiss you or will we just do that at the performance?" He asked me to clarify. I contemplated for a couple seconds. I knew I'd feel really awkward if we actually did kiss but if we practiced it a lot then I would stop feeling awkward by the time it was our performance day. 

"Uh.. I think we should practice the kiss too, that is if you're comfortable with it as well. Just so we could get used to it and get more comfortable for the real performance. Also so neither of us laugh." I explained. "Yeah I'm fine with that." He smiled. "But I guess while we practice it could just be a quick kiss and during the real thing it could be a little more long and 'passionate'." I air quoted, making both of us laugh.

So, we got to practicing. We did end up laughing a little bit but that was expected for our first run through. 

And then we got to the ending love story plot twist. Jeremy followed the script exactly, the script still in his hand as he told me how he's 'loved' me since the day his eyes met mine while I continued to die slowly. Surprisingly, the whole time we were going through the love story part, neither of us laughed. Before Elisa, my character fully 'died', her last dying words were that she loved Aaron too.

After I fully 'died', I got nervous as it was time for the kiss scene. Aaron, the character Jeremy was playing, was supposed to cry before kissing me and to my surprise, Jeremy knew how to fake cry. As the seconds went by after Elisa's death, I got more and more nervous for the kiss, even though this practice kiss was going to be super short. I've just never kissed anyone that I had absolutely no feelings for. But it was fine because I knew I was going to get used to it after practicing a bit more.

Anyway, even though my eyes were closed, I sensed him beginning to slowly lean in as one of his hands held one side my neck. 

When I least expected it, I felt the warmth of Jeremy's lips on mine. Of course I didn't pucker since I was supposed to be dead though. Surprisingly, the super short kiss didn't even feel awkward. I mean it was a little weird since we didn't have feelings for each other, but it wasn't as much as I thought it'd be.

Besides, after like two seconds, he pulled back. He took one of my hands in both of his and that's how we decided to end the scene. 

So after like three seconds, I opened my eyes. 

"I think That went pretty well, except for the laughing." Jeremy said as he chuckled, standing up then helping me up. "Yeah, surprisingly it did. And the laughing should be easy to get rid of after a few more run throughs." I smiled. 

For the rest of this class we kind of slacked off a little. 

We only ended up practicing two more times before just sitting down on the steps and beginning to talk to each other. Both of us got to know each other a lot better. 

We actually seemed to have become pretty good friends which I was really happy about.

Before we started heading back to class since it was the end of the period, Jeremy spoke up.

 "Hey, uh.. Would you maybe want to sit together today in business class? I'd love to get to know you better, you seen pretty cool." He asked me with a slightly nervous looking smile. I smiled as well before even answering. "Yeah sure, sounds good."

And with that, we walked back into the classroom. 


As Jack and I were walking to business class, I remembered that I forgot to tell him that Jeremy and I were planning on sitting together. So I decided to tell him now.

"Oh uh, Jeremy and I were planning to sit together in class today. Is that ok with you?" I told Jack as we walked into the room. He looked at me, a little wide-eyed. "Really? Hell yeah, this is how it's all gonna start. Go get your man Roni!" He said, sounding and looking super excited. "Jack!" I punched his shoulder because he was speaking way too loud about that while we were literally in the class. He laughed hard as he held his shoulder. "We're just freaking friends!" I whisper/shouted.

I saw that looked past me for a quick second before looking back at me and smirking. "Well, why don't you tell him that?" Suddenly Jack's hands went on my shoulders and he pushed me backwards, obviously making me lose balance. 

I was so sure I was about to hit the floor and embarrass myself but suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and catch me from falling. 

I slowly opened my eyes that were scrunched shut and looked up at the person who caught me. My eyes widened when they met Jeremy's. And just as they did, I realized that this one one of Jack's stupid plans. Well that made sense for why he pushed me randomly. 

"J-Jeremy.." I mumbled quietly, surprised to see him. "Nice to see you too." He said with a mix of a smile and smirk before helping me back to my feet. "Sorry about that, I just.. s-slipped.." I said, quickly glaring at Jack while saying the last part. Jack gave me a devious smile before looking back at Jeremy.

So after all that, Jeremy and I went to an empty seat in the back of the room and sat beside each other. 

We spent a lot of the class talking instead of working, becoming closer and closer. 


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