A Month Later...
Things have been going amazingly with Jeremy. We went on plenty more dates within the past month even though the weather was freezing and snowy and all of them were great. My feelings for him were growing stronger and stronger, day by day and I loved it!
But things with Jack definitely weren't getting better. I really haven't been spending much time with him recently. We never talked in school literally at all anymore. We hung out with different people during lunch and didn't sit together or talk in class anymore. And Jack has been staying over at Ema's or vice versa a lot as well which meant we never went to school together anymore either.
As for weekly family get-together's and movie nights, he definitely missed some of both within the past month. Actually, he only showed up to one of four weekly get-together's within the past month. And he missed about three of eight movie nights. Luckily, this time he told me about when he was going to miss them though.
So pretty much the only times we saw each other now were sometimes in the morning, after school on the way home, sometimes on movie nights and family get-together's and rarely on the weekends.
I was really beginning to miss my best friend...
Anyway, once my alarm went off in the morning, I turned it off and got out of bed to get dressed. I put on a fitted yellow sweatshirt with some black high-waisted jeans. I put my hair half up, half down, brushed my teeth, then went outside to meet with Jack. I was sure to put on a big jacket since I knew it was cold out.
I stood by my lawn under the heavy falling snow, waiting for him to come outside as well.
I ended up standing there waiting for him in the -25℃, absolutely freezing cold weather for about fifteen minutes, just to have him not even show up in the end. By the time I decided to just go by myself, I knew I was going to be late for class. And on top of that, I was freezing. I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers, my entire face was pale and my ears were beginning to hurt. Not to mention I was covered in snow now.
I got to school about ten minutes late for class. I didn't even have any extra time to warm up inside of school before having to rush up to class. I got there pretty quick as I was pretty much running all the way up to the third floor.
Right when I barged into the room, all eyes were on me, including Jack's but my eyes moved to the teacher who was looking at me with disappointment. I really hated that everyone was staring at me.
I knew for a fact that my face and body hadn't warmed up yet so I still probably looked as pale as the snow outside.
"Veronica, you're almost fifteen minutes late. Care to explain?" The teacher said, asking with a lot of attitude as her arms crossed. I took a small, quick glance back at Jack before looking back at the teacher. "Um.. I just.. slept in a little bit.. I'm really sorry." I told her, saying the first thing I could think of. "Don't let it happen again. Take your seat." She said before turning back to her desk.
I sighed, slightly out of anger towards Jack as I walked to my seat, then sat down. Soon after seating down, I remembered how cold I was. I wrapped my arms around myself as I started shivering slightly.
But I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket quickly after. I grabbed it subtly and saw a message from Jack.
Jack: It's my fault, isn't it? 😥
Veronica: Mhm
Jack: I'm so sorry Roni! It just slips my mind so easily..
In other words, I slip his mind so easily.
Veronica: It's fine. Forget about it.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...