Next Monday...
Today was the day that I was going to blow up Roni's relationship and I knew for sure because Ema reminded me right away.
I was dreading this so much.. Roni didn't freaking deserve this! But.. I didn't have money to pay back Ema so I had to do it no matter what I was feeling.
Veronica's P.O.V...
I got out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed. I got dressed in a red sweatshirt with some black ripped jeans. I left my hair down, brushed my teeth then went to school with Jack.
During my class with Lucas, I could tell he was acting a bit different. But it wasn't too different so I didn't point anything out. Maybe he was just tired or something.
I went to my locker like usual to swap out my binders.
Just as I closed my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled when I saw Lucas. "Hey, wanna go on a walk with me for a bit?" He asked me with a smile. "Oh, yeah sure." I smiled as well.
So we began walking. He led me outside to the back of the school where there were trees and benches. For about five minutes, we just walked around slowly and talked.
Ema's P.O.V...
I got the text from Luke saying that he was outside with Roni.
The next part was my job. I had to go get Jack. I assumed he was at the cafeteria so I decided to go to the cafeteria first.
Once I got there, I smirked when I spotted him at a table with his friends, putting his backpack down. I quickly went over to him before he sat down
Jackson's P.O.V...
"Jackson." I heard someone say behind me, just as I was about to sit down. I turned around and sighed when I saw Ema approaching me.
"Have you heard about what happened?" She asked me, ignoring Jeremy and Shayna sitting at the table. "No..?" I said, sounding confused. "Some kid in grade nine did graffiti on the back of the school!" She said, sounding surprised. "Really? Didn't they get in trouble?" I asked her, sounding quite surprised as well.
"I'm not sure but let's go see it! I haven't seen yet either." Before I could respond to what she said, she grabbed my wrist and started pulling me out of the cafeteria and towards the back exit of the school.
Lucas's P.O.V...
Now was the time, not matter how much I didn't want to do this.
So once our conversation went quiet, I took that opportunity. I stopped us from walking then stood in front of her. She looked at me with a confused smile.
I had a great view of the back exit of the school now which was perfect. It wasn't too from from where we were standing. I looked down at Roni but I was mostly paying attention to the school exit that I could see from the corner of my eye.
"I-I've been wanting to do something for a while now." I said nervously, still watching the school's back exit. "What is it?" She asked me with a small chuckle.
Finally, at the perfect timing, I saw Ema and Jackson walk out the school doors.
So, doing what I had to do, I quickly leaned down to her and pressed my lips hard onto hers.
Veronica's P.O.V...
Suddenly, completely shocking me, he grabbed both of my hands and pushed his lips onto mine.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...