The Next Day...
I woke up suddenly to my loud alarm going off at 7:30 am. I squinted my eyes open and shut it off quickly.
After shutting it off and managing to open my eyes, I turned to Jack. He was still asleep, lying on his stomach with his head facing away from me. I smiled right when I saw him.
I sat up a tiny bit in bed before beginning to run my fingers through his hair repeatedly while saying his name quietly multiple times to wake him. Eventually, he started moving a bit and he head turned in my direction. He looked so freaking cute, it made me giggle. He groaned quietly, one of his hands going over his face as he rubbed his eyes tiredly while keeping them closed.
"Good morning.." I said quietly, still while giggling. "'Morning..." When he said it really quietly, it was such a mumble that it was barely audible which made me laugh more. I leaned in a kissed his forehead as I pushed his hair back from his face.
Jack fully woke up a minute later and turned over onto his back. We stayed in bed for just a few minutes, talking to each other before we got up to get ready for our second last day here.
Jack went to the bathroom first while I got dressed first. I got dressed in a cream coloured knitted white turtleneck sweater with some black high waisted jeans.
By the time I finished changing, Jack finished in the bathroom.
So then, I went to the bathroom while Jack changed. I just went to pee then brush my teeth quickly. I also put my hair into a high, partly messy bun in there.
By the time I left the bathroom, Jack was also finished getting ready.
Once we grabbed what we needed and what not, we left our room and went down to the lobby. When we got down there, we saw that there was only like half of our classmates here already. It was like 8:02 am so why was everyone so late?
Regardless, I went over to our friends to talk to them while waiting. Jack, however, went over to his guys friends since he has barely talked to them throughout the trip.
After another like twenty minutes of waiting, everyone finally showed up and we headed to the hotel restaurant.
The five of us sat together in the restaurant and Jack stayed with his other friends for breakfast. It took us until 9:00 am just to get the food so in total, we were actually there until 10:00 am.
Even still, the sun wasn't up yet which was something I really couldn't get used to.
After eating, it was time to finally start the day. I was very excited because so far, the last two days have been far from a disappointment.
We were sectioned off into four groups again and the six of us were once again lucky enough to have gotten in the same group. So after being sectioned off, everyone got in there buses and like usual, Jack and I sat together.
This was going to be another long drive. It was going to be about three hours before we got to our destination. We were going to visit a famous waterfall in Iceland called Seljalandsfoss. I heard it was very beautiful and I decided to refrain from looking it up so it could be a surprise for me when I saw it for real.
But a few minutes into our drive, I noticed that Alena was in our group. She was sitting in the seat across from us.
Once again, she was sitting alone. I looked around the bus and saw that none of her two friends were in this group. But still.. I felt so bad.. There was a chance that she lost all of her other friends because of me.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked me when he saw me looking around. I leaned back in my seat and looked at him. "Alena's in our group. And she's alone again.." I told him while sighing. His gaze back at me right away turned into an annoyed glare after hearing what I said. "What?!" I asked him quickly.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...