Uh-oh.. | 24

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The Next Day... 

For today, I got dressed in a black t-shirt tucked into some blue ripped jeans. I left my hair down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.


Today I had soccer practice during lunch. Luckily I made the team again but sadly, Alena did as well so I was stuck with her again. And she hasn't been making my practices very easy. She often kept giving me looks along with her soccer friends who I didn't even know. So somehow, she's turned people who've never even talked to me before, against me.

But anyway, once the lunch bell rang, I headed over to to the locker room with my soccer clothes. I got dressed in them, tied my hair up, put on my cleats, then headed out to the field. 

We did soccer drills for some of the time but other than that, it was a pretty chill day since we didn't have too much to practice today. We had a bit of free time so my soccer friends, Cora and Aria decided to kick the ball around for a while.

As we were doing so, I noticed Alena bringing two friends who were not on the soccer team to the bleachers to watch. This was a closed practice... But once I looked closer, I recognized the two friends to be Ema and Dara. I rolled my eyes and continued  kicking the ball with my friends.

But after about five minutes, Aria spoke up. "Uh.. Roni, some girls are like pointing at you, talking and laughing.. Do you know them?" She told me, pointing somewhere. I looked to where she pointed and saw that she was pointing to Dara, Ema and even Alena who wasn't even playing soccer anymore. The were all looking and laughing at me for whatever reason. 

"Yeah, yeah.. I know them... I've had a bad history with them." I sighed. "Just ignore them. Keep kicking." Cora said with a smile as she kicked the ball to me. Sadly I was facing directly at them though so I couldn't help but glance up at them from time to time. But for the mos part, my focus was on the ball and my friends. 

After a while longer of us kicking, I suddenly heard Alena shout something in the distance. "Guys, watch this kick!" I looked up at her just as she kicked the ball. But she kicked the ball straight into my direction.

And before I knew it, I dropped to my knees as the ball directly hit my stomach. My arm went around my stomach as I felt a huge amount of pain. Soon after, I realized I got the wind completely knocked out of me and I was unable to breathe. I tried gasping for air but none came through.

My friends quickly ran up to me, looking very concerned. They dropped to their knees beside me and tried to straighten my back for me since they knew that was what was best in this situation. Aria stayed with me while Cora ran to get the coach. The coach sped over to me and kneeled down in front of me, all the while I was still unable to breathe and in a huge amount of pain. 

"Can you breathe?" The coach asked me hurriedly, sounding concerned. I shook my head, my arm tightening around my stomach from the pain. "Try to stay calm and breathe in slowly through your mouth Veronica." The coach told me firmly, her hand on my upper back. I tried to stay calm like she said and instead of trying to gasp for air, I tried to breathe in slowly. 

After about a minute or so, I finally started to get a bit of air back in me. But even so, the pain was still almost unbearable in my stomach. Once I was able to breathe again, I started gasping. 

After my breathing calmed down, the coach spoke up again. "Cora and Aria. Take her inside to the nurse." She said, standing up. They both nodded, standing up as well and grabbing my arms to help me up. I stood up, with a lot of struggle and they each put one of my arms around themselves. They walked me all the way inside and to the nurses office. 

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