The Next Day...
Since today was our last day in Iceland and we were going to be leaving by 2:00 pm, Jack and I wanted to wake up extra early to have some extra alone time. That was because we knew that for the rest of the time we had here, we were going to be with our classmates.
So last night, Jack sat his alarm for 6:00 am. That left us two hours of our own time before we had to meet our class in the lobby with all of our luggage.
I slowly began to wake up this morning to Jack's soft voice saying my name as he ran his fingers through my hair. I groaned quietly as I rubbed my eyes, keeping them closed.
I turned my body to Jack before slowly opening my eyes. My eyes met his bright blue ones right away and he smiled tiredly as he gently pushed some of my hair behind my ear.
"Good morning baby.." Jack said really quietly and tiredly, his voice pretty raspy. "Good morning..." I whispered, smiling as well.
Shortly after, my legs moved a little bit under the blanket and right when I did, I took notice of a familiar feeling in my nether regions. My eyes widened a bit right when I felt it. I saw Jack's eyes furrow a bit.
I quickly got out of bed, grabbed a pair of my underwear that was at the top of my open suitcase and ran into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and locked it.
I pulled down my pants and underwear and right away saw the blood stain on my underwear.
I let out a huge sigh of relief and it felt like a weight being lifted off my shoulders when I saw it. I was ok now.. no baby.. yet, at least. Thank freaking god because I had no idea what the fuck Jack and I would do if I actually got pregnant.
Luckily it looked like my period just started so the stain wasn't that big and it didn't get on my sweats.
I took off my sweatpants and underwear and grabbed the other pair of underwear I took in here. I put it on then also put on the emergency pad I put in the drawer on our first day here.
Just as I finished putting on the pad and cleaning up my other underwear, I suddenly heard knocking on the door.
"Babe, are you ok? What happened so suddenly?" I heard Jack say on the other side of the door. He sounded quite concerned from the tone of his voice. Quickly, I washed my hands after cleaning my underwear then grabbed my sweatpants. "Roni? What's going on?" Jack spoke up again, still sounding concerned as he knocked on the door again.
I got on my sweatpants quickly before unlocking and opening the door.
I was obviously faced with Jack right away. He had a really concerned look on his face as he looked down at me. I looked back up at him.
"I got my period.." I told him quietly with a soft smile as I grabbed onto his hand and held it. I saw his eyes widen right away. "Really?" Jack said back quickly, a smile forming on his face. I nodded, my smile growing.
His smile turned into a grin as he pulled me into a tight hug, his arms around my waist. I giggled, smiling big as I hugged him back tightly, my arms around his neck.
After hugging for a few seconds, both of us pulled back but we held both of each others hands.
"This is really relieving.." Jack said quietly with a small chuckle. "I know.. I can't even imagine having a baby this young.." I said, chuckling a little as well. "Yeah.." Jack agreed.
"But it's weird how vividly I can imagine it for us in the future.." Jack said quietly as he looked down, seemingly picturing it. I looked up at him as he said this.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...