The Next Day...
I woke up quickly to my alarm going off. I was quick to turn it off before burying my face back into Jack's neck, groaning quietly. "Babe..." I whispered while half asleep, my hand going on his shoulder and shaking it lightly. Seconds later, he began shifting around a little bit while also groaning quietly.
It was 6 am and we felt dead. Last night we only got like four and a half hours of sleep which was obviously not enough. But we had nobody to blame but ourselves. Regardless, I didn't regret partying until that late at night last night and I'm sure Jack could say the same.
After five minutes more of gathering strength just to get up, we finally did. But we were still VERY tired. We stood up, folded the blanket, then went to Jack's car.
And with that, we were on our way home.
I was actually quiet nervous to go back home as I knew mom was there. Both of us knew we were going to get some sort of consequence from our parents because of what we did, but it was still worth it. Last night was AMAZING.
"Have you checked your phone yet?" I asked Jack as I pulled out my phone. I turned it on again for the first time since I turned it off yesterday. "Yeah. Four missed calls and like ten angry messages asking where I am and telling me to come back home all from my dad." Jack answered, sighing. "We're in so much trouble.." I sighed as well.
My phone finally turned on. I saw I had three missed calls and fifteen messages from my mom, saying the same things as Jack's messages. Great...
We got back home just after 7 am.
Once we got there, Jack and I said goodbye before going to our own houses. I unlocked the door and walked in tiredly. I took off my shoes before beginning to walk to the stairs.
Right when I got to the stairs, my mom and I saw each other as she was sitting in the living room again. She put her book down and gave me a very subtle but angry look. I sighed quietly as I turned to her, knowing there was no way out of this.
Mom walked up to me. She stood right in front of me with her arms crossed.
"If you thought you were going to get away with what you did yesterday then you're definitely wrong there." Mom told me in a stern tone. "I didn't think that but I don't care. I love Jack, mom, a lot and I don't think it's ok for you to keep me away from him just because your hurting. And again, I'm very sorry about what happened to you but this is just dumb." I admitted to her.
"Veronica, get it into your mind that I am not 'asking' you if I should keep you away from Jack, I am telling you that you will stay away from him." Mom told me firmly. "I don't know if I will." I shrugged before turning away and beginning to walk up the stairs.
"Well then. Everyday after school, you're going to give me your phone until the next morning, it's no longer yours." Mom told me quickly and firmly. I immediately stopped walking and turned back to her, my jaw on the floor. "And on the weekends, you're giving me your phone from 4 pm to 10 pm." She told me and I could see the tiniest hint of a smirk on her face. "Mom that's not fair!" I said quickly, raising my voice a bit. "Well, maybe next time you'll listen to me then and not run off with a Meyer." Mom said, raising an eyebrow.
"Why are you fucking doing this to me?!" I raised my voice even more, beginning to lose it. "Watch your language Roni. We're taking a break from the Meyers, whether you like it or not. That's it, end of story. Now go get ready for school." Mom told me very firmly before walking away.
Now I was furious. Now I couldn't even fucking call Jack like I usually did after school! This was so goddamn stupid!
I stomped up the stairs, very angry and went to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. Knowing there was nothing I could really do about my anger, I just had to get ready for school.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...