Pinky Promise | 4

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The Next Day... 

I sighed as I got out of bed then went to my closet. 

I got dressed in a slightly cropped white tank top with a long cream colored cardigan over it and some grey sweatpants. I put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth, then went outside and met up with Jackson. 

We went to school together.

As we walked into our math class, I said, "You should sit with that girl you like, Jack." I looked up at him. "Ema? Why?" He chuckled, putting his bag down beside our table. "So you can get to know each other better!" I said with a big smile. "But I already sit beside her in my other class though. I told you that's enough for me." He shrugged.

 "Still! It might spark something if you're with her more often." I spoke excitedly. As I said this, I picked up Jack's backpack from the floor and held it out to him. He grabbed it from me unwillingly. "Roni, it's fine. I'll talk to her in my other class." He said, laughing. 

"Come on, just go!" I began pushing him. "Fine! Jeez, I'm going!" He said, still laughing as he began walking to the girl's table. I chuckled to myself quietly as I sat down at our table by myself. 


I walked into the room and greeted Shayna as I sat beside her. 

"Hey Roni. Thanks again for inviting me for lunch yesterday with you and Jack, it was really fun." Shayna said while smiling. "Yeah, it was really fun for me too! And I'm sure Jack could say the same." I said back happily.  

"Usually it takes me days to open up to new people but that actually didn't happen with you guys." She said, her smile softening. "Oh, I can definitely relate. But honestly, I can easily see the three of us getting pretty close." I smiled as well. "Me too and I'm excited for it." She said, making both of us chuckle.

"Jack seems like a pretty outgoing guy though, huh?" She said, curiosity in her tone. "Oh yeah, definitely. That's the biggest difference between him and I. He could probably easily become the most popular guy at this school with the confidence he has." I explained to her with a small chuckle. 

"Really? Isn't that a little scary or intimidating?" Shayna asked, sounding pretty surprised. "It would make sense if it was but it's actually not surprisingly." I answered as I started thinking about it a little bit. "I mean, we've been best friends since I was born so I think it'd be pretty hard to replace that spot." I explained.


I have kind of been dreading this period since the morning for obvious reasons.. What if Dara and Alena attacked me again? Honestly, I was truly frightened by them now.

Sadly, there wasn't anything I could really do about it though...

So, I walked into the gym and we were immediately told to change into our uniforms in the locker room. I was once again one of the last people out of the locker room because I had to wait for the stall. 

I was walking to the door of the locker room after I finished changing and my heart dropped when I saw only Dara and Alena in the locker room again.

I sighed quietly as I stopped walking when I saw them both beginning to walk up to me. 

Not again...

Both of them stood in front of me, looking annoyed as they crossed their arms. 

"You really think we're dumb, don't you?" Dara said, raising her eyebrow. "No, I knew you'd figure out it was us last night." I shrugged. They were referring to the prank calls. "Then why the hell would you two do that?" She said, sounding more annoyed now. 

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