Turned On | 56

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Monday...(Veronica's P.O.V)

I groaned as I heard my alarm going off, waking me up from my amazing sleep. I shut it off as I squinted my eyes open. I sat up in bed before getting up and walking tiredly over to my closet.

I got dressed in a cropped black t-shirt with some grey sweatpants. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.

"How is Pais today?" I asked him with a smile as he drove. "She seems completely normal now. Sometimes my parents have to stop her from running too much or being too active." He answered while chuckling, making me laugh as well. "When will she be going back to school then?" I asked him. "Probably tomorrow honestly." He answered, smiling big and looking adorable. 


For lunch today, Jack and I decided to sit back with the guys since last time, it was kind of cut off. Plus, they were all really worried for Paisley and Jack didn't get the chance to tell them she was better yet.

So, Jack and I walked to the cafeteria together and we found his guy friends. We walked up to them and Jack sat beside Calum and I sat beside Jack. Both of us greeted them all happily. 

"Jack, what happened to Paisley then? Is she ok?" Dean asked him. "She wasn't on Friday. Apparently her appendix burst and the doctor said that was fatal. But after surgery, she was thankfully better." Jack vaguely explained to them. 

"So she had to stay there overnight and stuff?" Griffin asked him. "Yeah, we took her home Saturday morning though." Jack answered. "You were on her back all day on Saturday, weren't you?" Elijah asked him, chuckling a tiny bit. 

"Well, not all day.." My eyes widened and I flinched a little bit when I felt Jack's hand land on my thigh under the table. Luckily nobody seemed to notice though. I glanced up at him and it seemed like he was trying to hide a smirk. "Really? That's surprising considering you're a professional overthinker." Elijah said, making all of us laugh. I immediately stopped laughing though when I felt Jack's hand slide up my thigh a bit before squeezing it. 

"Roni was there and she always knows how to get my mind off things.." Jack's hand slid even further up my thigh then slid from the top of it, more to the inside of it. My hand wrapped around his wrist out of reflex when he started getting really close to my core. 

If he was going to keep this up, he was really going to get me in the mood, considering it was already happening...

I saw the small smirk grow on Jack's lips as he felt my hand around his wrist. He squeezed my thigh again, almost causing me to flinch again. I really just wanted to tell him to stop because I was getting dangerously turned on from something as small as this. But I couldn't tell him since we were with friends. I tried to subtly pry his hand off me but it didn't work since he was much stronger than me.

The entire lunch pretty much, Jack continued to have normal conversations with the guys while the only thing I could focus on was his damn hand on my thigh that was occasionally rubbing and squeezing. At one point, I shifted in my seat a little bit and that's when I felt how wet I had gotten just from his stupid hand.

But finally, about five minutes before lunch was over, all of us were going to get up to leave. Jack and I stood up, and finally, his hand came off of me.

Right when the guys left, I was quick to grab his hand and start pulling him away. I heard him chuckle as I continued to pull him. I pulled him to the outside of the cafeteria and around the side where nobody was at currently. After we got there, I turned to him. 

"Jack! What were you trying to accomplish by doing that to me?!" I finally got to ask him. "Turning you on just about as much as I am.." He smirked, crossing his arms. He was turned on too? It didn't seem so.. "You were turned on too?" I asked him quietly, sounding pretty surprised. "Of course, I still am.. You have no idea what just thinking about that afternoon does to me..." He spoke quietly, almost whispering as his hands held the sides of my neck. 

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