Since I got back from Iceland, my sleep schedule has gotten pretty fucked up. By now, it was better but I was still having some trouble sometimes.
So today, I woke up from a somewhat restless night pretty sleepy. I got out of bed tiredly and went to my closet to get dressed.
I put on a yellow sweatshirt along with some black ripped jeans. I left my hair down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.
As I walked into my first period class, I was already dreading being back. On Friday, more than half of the seniors, including me, ditched school because of jet lag and what not so this was my fist day back.
It was really a sucky feeling to be having the time of my life with these people one day and then in almost an instant, I'm back in boring old school with them..
After finishing at my locker, I went to the cafeteria.
My eyes scanned around the cafeteria to see if any of my friends had a table yet but I didn't see anyone. So, I went to an empty table by myself and sat down.
I just went on my phone for a bit while waiting for any of my friends to show up. Jack wasn't going to be with us for lunch though because he apparently had a lot to study for.
After being on my phone for about a minute, I saw someone show up across from me from my peripherals. I looked up to see Lucas taking the seat across from me.
I actually barely saw him on the trip. We were only in the same group once out of the four days. Even during the times we did see each other, neither of us said anything.
So I was pretty confused as to why he was approaching me now..
Honestly, now I didn't know how I felt about Lucas.. Since the last time we talked, I became much less mad at him but at the same time, I still wasn't the most happy with him.
"Hey.." Lucas said pretty quietly as he sat down across from me. "Hi.." I said even more quietly as I put away my phone.
"How was the trip for you?" Lucas asked me with a hint of a smile. "Pretty stress relieving.. Grade 12 has been pretty difficult. It was really, really fun. How about for you?" I said back, also smiling a little bit. "Yeah it was definitely very relaxing which was nice." He said with a chuckle.
"Besides, with all this.. social drama.. it was nice to get away for a while.." Lucas said more quietly and with a smaller smile as he looked down. "Yeah, that's very true.." I agreed.
"I have to ask.." Lucas spoke up again as he looked at me. I looked back at him. "did you.. see Alena at all on the trip.. by chance?" He seemed hesitant as he asked me. I sighed quietly. "She was only in my group once. And she seemed really quiet and sad still whenever I saw her. She was rarely even with her friends." I told him while looking down, feeling bad all over again. Lucas also sighed.
"I feel so bad for her.. about the whole secret thing.." He said quietly. I looked back up at him. "Clearly not bad enough." I said bluntly as I crossed my arms. He looked back at me.
"Alright, can I please tell you the actual reason why I broke things off with her?" Lucas said quickly as he said up in his seat. "I already know." I said back. "No. I mean the REAL reason." He said quite firmly. I shrugged while sighing as I leaned back in my seat.
With a firm tone, Lucas then began explaining the real reason for why he broke off his relationship with Alena. He went into full detail, explaining why he needed to end it for the reason that he did.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...