Next Friday...
Today was the last day of this semester and I couldn't be more glad. I honestly hated this semester, it was super difficult and I was very over it. In fact, all of my friends said they hated this semester as well so they were all relieved as well. And on top of that, Friday's were always great.
I got out of bed, smiling a little bit and walked to my closet to get dressed. I put on some blue ripped jeans along with a red cropped t-shirt. I put my hair half up half down, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.
We went up to chemistry class once we got there. For the first time in a long while, it was a free period in this class. It was VERY nice because this class has usually been nothing but stressful.
Lunch...(Jackson's P.O.V)
Today was going amazingly. So far, it was a free period in all of my classes and Ema did speak a word to me in English like she's been doing ever since we confronted her.
But now it was time for lunch. And today I planned to chill with the guys so I went downstairs with Dean, who I was already with. We went to each other's lockers before going to the cafeteria.
Once we got there, we were quick to find Calum and Eli at a table. We walked over to them. I sat beside Eli and Dean sat beside Cal who was right across from us. Eventually Griffin showed up as well and he sat with Dean and Cal.
We talked about random stuff for most of the lunch but then Calum brought something up.
"Yo we should like do something fun to celebrate the end of the semester because this semester was shit." Cal suggested to all of us. "Like?" Dean asked him, speaking up. "What about a house party? That'd be sick." Eli spoke up while chuckling as he leaned back in his seat. "Yeah! Let's actually do that tonight." Cal said excitedly.
"Really? I don't know about that.." I said, speaking up. "Why not? It sounds really fun. We could invite everyone in our grade." Griffin said, looking excited as well. "Yeah and it should be at Jack's house." Eli said, sitting up. "What?! Why mine?" I asked them quickly. "Dude.. Your house is like a mansion. That's perfect." He explained.
"Ok, it's not a mansion.. Besides, Cal's house is literally the same size pretty much so let's do it there if you wanna do this so bad." I told them. "Can't be at my house. Parents are gonna be home at 8." Calum spoke up. Dammit.. And my parents were going to be home REALLY late tonight since apparently they had plans with friends and Paisley was going to be being babysat at Roni's house. "So it's settled. House party at Jack's house. Let's say around 8 to 12." Dean said with a smirk as he pulled out his phone. "Fine..." I sighed, just giving in.
All of them got out their phones and started telling everybody about the party. So I got out my phone as well and told my friends and Roni.
That Evening...(Veronica's P.O.V)
It was around 6 pm right now and Shayna had just come over to hang out before the party at Jack's house. We hung out in my room for a while, just chilling which was really nice.
But once it got close to the time for the party, Shayna insisted on helping me pick out an outfit for the party. So she got up from my bed and went over to my closet. I chuckled, staying in bed.
After like five minutes, she finally put the outfit together.
"Done!" She said excitedly, turning to me and holding a couple clothes of mine. From what I could see, everything was black. "Show me." I chuckled, sitting up in bed. She put the pile of clothes down on my bed.
The first thing she picked up and held up was a plain black, flowy skirt that went above my knee. But it wasn't too short either. Great.. "I can already tell you made this outfit skimpy..." I sighed with a smile. "Not that much.." Shayna smirked. I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

You're My Forever
Romance"I really.. really want to kiss you..." He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either.. "So then kiss me..." My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...