"I really.. really want to kiss you..."
He leaned in even closer. I wouldn't want anything more right now either..
"So then kiss me..."
My heartbeat started quickening as his lips inched even closer to mine. By now, they were two centimetres apar...
After laying in bed lazily for a few minutes, I finally decided to get up. I walked over to my closet to get dressed.
I put on an oversized red sweatshirt along with some grey jeans. I tied my hair into a high ponytail, brushed my teeth, then went to school with Jack.
Even though it's only been two days, ever since Alena told me her backstory, we got even more close. Like we were actually pretty good friends now.
She's been wanting to stop talking 'to both Dara and Ema since she never really liked how they were so mean but she's never built up the courage to do so. She was really worried that they would hate her after and she was honestly kind of scared of them because she's seen what they can do to a person. Also, she was worried that she'd get canceled by all of her friends since they were all connected to Dara and Ema somehow. Even her friends that she actually liked were also friends with Ema and Dara.
I kept trying to tell her to just leave them but Alena was just to worried. And at the end of the day, it was completely Alena's choice so I couldn't do anything about it.
Anyway, I walked into the classroom and sat with Alena because our teacher was surprisingly giving us a work period for our assignments today. Her and I greeted each other normally.
"So.. have you thought about it some more?" I asked Alena, poking her arm. Yesterday I told her to think some more about ditching Ema and Dara so she could hopefully gain the courage to do so. "Yeah.. I really, really wanna get them out of my life but I'm just worried about what may come from it.." She answered, sighing.
"Don't think about any of that. If you're worried about your other friends leaving you, just remember that if they're real friends, they won't. And as far as I know, Dara and Ema consider you to be their close friend so I assume they wouldn't want to do anything bad to you, even if you do leave them. Just think about how much nicer life would be without those kind of people in your life." I tried to convince her. "It would be pretty nice..." She said, seeming like she was beginning to contemplate.
"Exactly! It only takes one conversation with them." I told her. "I'll think about it again over the weekend. This time I'll actually consider it." Alena said to me with a small smile. "Yay!" I said excitedly, making her chuckle and me as well.
After School...
Once Jack and I got home from school, we had to start getting ready right away.
The reason for that was because both of our parents were having a vow renewal ceremony today and it started at 5. Our parents had their weddings at dates that were really close to each other so they decided to have a joined vow renewal ceremony today. It was their 20th wedding anniversaries. There were also going to be quite a few guests, not to many though. Just grandparents, some cousins and some mutual friends. A total of probably 20-30 guests.
So once Jack and I got home, we went to our own houses. I ate some food quickly first.
After eating, I went to my closet to pick out what to wear. I knew the theme was white so that limited my options by a lot since I only had like three white dresses, one of them being way too fancy.
I chose one of the dresses and put it on.
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