Chapter 81- It Has Always Been You

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I've been dreading this day... but this is the final chapter of this book... :'(



 As Cameron and I walk down along the canals of water, watching gondolas going by once and a while, we hold eachother's hand the whole time and just talk randomly. Making jokes, smiling at almost every word that comes out of eachother's mouths and we were just happy.

"So what would you do if I pushed you in the water right now?" He randomly comes out with making me laugh and jump pretty far away from him.

"You wouldn't!" I didn't know if I should be giving him a laugh or a blank face. You can never tell completely when Cam jokes.

"You're right, I wouldn't." He cracks a smile and grabs my hand again, whipping me to his side and kisses the top of my head.

"Yeah... but I might." I giggle and look up at him.

He gives me a smirk and picks me up bridal style and pretends to let me go over into the water and I was scared a little.

"Cameron! I'm wearing a dress!" I say in between nervous laughs. "Put me down!" I continue.

He nods his head and sets me down completely on the ground on the edge of the canal wall.

"Stay there. I need to take a picture." He smiles and I was confused.


"Because you're beautiful and this is a great place to take a picture of you. You'll see! Turn around and look the other way." He chuckles a little at me giving him a dumb-founded look.


She finally turns her head and let's her dirty blonde hair with bright blonde highlights fall gracefully behind her like a princess. She was wearing a beautiful light pink sun dress that I bought her for her birthday last month and looked just how I pictured her looking in it, in my head. Maybe even better. Her tan LA skin peeking out giving her a gorgeous glow.

I get out my phone and open the camera and hold it horizontally and snap the picture in different positions. I felt like her personal photographer because she is literally the most photogenic person I've ever seen.

"Are you done yet?" She turns around and giggles looking at me.

"No! Almost." I smile at her and begin walking towards her to sit next to her.

I open the selfie camera and take numerous pictures. Us smiling, laughing, making funny faces, and many kissing.

Her warm lips against mine made me feel like I could fly.

"I've never been so in love with someone."

"I never thought I would ever find someone as amazing and perfect as you, Cam." She smiles back at me and I couldn't help but kiss her again to make sure this wasn't all just a dream.

"Believe me, you're far more perfect." I say truthfully giving a faint, quick laugh.

She leans in and kisses me again sweetly, with passion.


I release the kiss again, no taking my eyes off of his and watch as smiles, giving me even more butterflies than I already had.

"I know we say it a lot, but no matter how many times we say, 'i love you', won't ever match the amount of times I mean it. I love you more than life. More than anything in the whole universe. I will love you until my last breath and beyond. I will love you until the end of time." I was now in tears by his words, until I notice he begins rummaging in his pocket and pulls something out but putting it behind his back. "I love you Brittany, as I hope you can tell. I just love you!" I laugh at his continues the same words, but I knew he would always mean it. "So..." He begins taking his hand away from behind his back and opens a small dark purple, velvet box revealing the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen and I break down crying. "Brittany, will you marry me?"

I take the ring in box from his hands to set it on the ground next to us so we don't drop it in the water and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him into my lips. My tears of joy continued to fall even in between are kiss that I wouldn't mind lasting forever. He backs me up and makes us stop the kiss and I knew that was the cue for he wanted my answer.

"YES!!!!!!!" I squel in tears and kiss him again and release promptly.

He grabs the ring box beside us and holds my hand in his other and slips the ring on my finger. The way it glided across my finger perfectly made me feel the biggest rush of happiness I've ever experienced. Us now both crying, he takes both of my hands and holds them tightly in his and looks into my teary eyes, but had the biggest smile on our faces.

"It has always been you..." I whisper not being able to get rid of my smile.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you babe!" He laughs and we share that one special kiss to seal this perfect moment.

~The End~


Thank you all for reading and I was more than happy to write this book for you who have enjoyed it. I'm sorry for anything you didn't like about the book, but I appreciate you for continuing to read anyway. Please read more of my books for more amazing love stories. So now I have "Inside a Bad Girl" being written, and "The Heart Wants What It Wants" being written. Another book will be added this summer. Please check them out and thank you for reading! Love you all! :-*


P.S.: Sorry for not putting anymore drama about Jack G and Brittany. I couldn't see anywhere to put it without ruining Cameron and Britt's relationship again.

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