Chapter 65- I'm All Yours

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Sorry! Short chapter! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🎄😊




I've been in this hospital for 2 weeks now and I'm more than ready to get out. The guys, Selena, and Mahogany left the day after I was checked in and now are in Magcon Naples in Florida. I've missed 3 other events besides this one. Since I've been here, the doctor's told me I have to take it easy, so Chad is driving us back to the air port and back home to LA. I didn't really want to, but this allowed me to be able to get my stuff out of the house and moved into Chad and I's new place without anyone stopping me. I don't want to be persuaded to stay, because that'll just change my mind and I'm sick of giving into everyone.

"Ready to go babe?" Chad asks me as he leans over and kisses my cheek after I buckle my seat belt.

"Yeah. Let's go."

. . .

After a hour drive to the air port, then a 2 hour plane ride, we were back in LA, now at the loft.

I head up to my room to start packing, while Chad waits for me on the couch. Not like I wanted help or anything because of just getting out of the hospital!

As I reach for my suitcase on the top shelf in my walk-in closet, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket which makes me jump, almost letting the suitcase fall on top of my head, instead I jump back and it falls to the floor making a loud thump.

"Are you okay?!" I head Chad yell from downstairs.

"Yes!" I yell back and reach for my phone.

A text from Selena.

From: Selena 💅

Hey, I know you're probably in the middle of packing to go move in with Chad, but just leave your furniture there, we're using it as a guest room.😔

To: Selena 💅


From: Selena 💅

Tbh, wish you weren't moving out.😭

To: Selena 💅

Ik, but I can't live with Cameron anymore.😑

From: Selena 💅

About him, he isn't doing so well.😬

To: Selena💅

What now?! And I thought you were mad at him.😑

From: Selena💅

I was. But to start off with, he's not eating like he should. So basically he's starving himself out of depression. Last time I seen him smile was the day you were still here, and he doesn't talk. When he meets fans, he tries his best not to cry. You can see it in his eyes.😪

To: Selena💅

So now you're jumping on the Cameron pity train?😠

From: Selena💅

No, I just wanted you to realise that he does love you. And I think you shouldn't be this cruel to him over something he clearly is done with.😠

To: Selena💅

Sel, don't tell me how to treat my relationships and stop trying to make me feel bad. Yes we all know you and Shawn are mr. and miss. perfect but doesn't mean everyone around you has to be! Just leave me the fuck alone if you're gonna be like that!😡

I slam my phone on the bed and that was that. I never yelled at Selena before. I didn't want to but I'm so fricken stressed and sick of people telling me this is all my fault. It's always, MY FAULT! No one else's! I'm sick of it!

I open my suitcase that fell, back up and stuffed as much clothes as I could into it, but I faced the fact that I'm going to have to rent a tractor trailer to get all of my clothes out of here! I grab the suitcase and put my phone back in my pocket and take one last look at my room before shutting the door. Before I take my first step down the stairs, I leave my suitcase there and run to Cameron's room. Up his spiral staircase, and over to his desk. I write a quick note.


I want you to know that I will always be a fan of yours. This experience with you has been truthfully amazing. But not all amazing things have an equally amazing end, and clearly that's what happening here. Please don't text, call, tweet, or even attempt to see me. It's gonna make it harder for us and you should know that by now. I'm sorry for all the pain I ever caused you. For all the bad memories, and most importantly, for wasting your time. I wish you good luck in life and hope you make a name for yourself in this town.


I laid the note on his bed and ran back down the stairs before Chad got suspicious. I grabbed my suitcase and met Chad in the living room.

"Ready?" He asks me turning off the TV that he was just watching and stood up after grabbing his keys from the cusion next to him.

"Yeah. Come on."

He wraps his arms around me and we head out the door. "Just you and me. Finally."

"I'm all yours..." I sigh and shut the door behind us, breaking off my connection with those Magcon boys.


Haha, that last sentence was dramatic :P

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