Chapter 61- Fine, Not Perfect

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I love how this chapter ends 😉


I swipe the door key to Nash and I's hotel room and unlock it. It was an average looking room. Nothing extravagant like the last room at the last stop. I claimed the bed closest to the window, by plopping my bag onto it and my suitcases on the end of the bed. Nash came in and took the other and sat on the edge and stared at me laying on my back, on my phone.


"I have to tell you something man."

I sit up and prepare myself for bad news, guessing by his actions, that's what he had for me. "I don't want you to be all hurt about it and mope around the rest of the day and night."

I was really confused and started to get worked up before I even knew the news. "Just tell me."

"In the van, on the way here, I overheard Brittany and Selena talking..."

"Spit it out, Grier!" I shout at him.

"Brittany and Chad... you know..... did it..."

The words finally left his mouth and hit me like a bullet. I became immediately over whelmed with sadness, confusion, anger, and regret. I stood up, got my basketball shorts and white muscle shirt and changed into it and went to the excersise room that the hotel had. I needed to clear my head. I needed to just punch something. I storm into the excerise room, no one there except Taylor working out with the weights and Jack G being his spotter. I entered the room with anger and rage and slammed my fist into the punching bag in the corner of the room. Hit after hit, I convinced myself I was punching Chad because that's honestly what I wanted to do.

"" I say under my breath, with my teeth clenched.

"Dude! Dude! Calm down!" Jack G and Taylor try to stop my angry thought and actions.

I stop still boiling inside to eventually come back to reality. I don't do or say anything. I just walk out still upset and head back to the hotel rooms. I get back into my room and Nash was no where to be seen. I fall on my bed and cry like no body's business. I don't care what I look like. I know that I am being a little to over protective and that I don't own her, but in some ways I feel as if she's mine. Only mine. I don't care if you tell me I'm over exaggerating the situation. Because to me, I'm not. This is how I feel. I feel like my world has come to a complete stop. I was in complete love and still am. But now I feel like my heart was ripped from my chest. I have nothing left to smile about. I thought there was hope for us. But now, there's none.


Selena and Mahogany were my room mates for this stop. Bart didn't think it was too smart to have Selena and Shawn in the same room anymore. Ever since the last stop.... I'll give you a hint, no one slept that night. It was gross and just ew....

I throw myself on my bed and get out my phone. As I scrolled through my Twitter notifications, I get a FaceTime request from Chad. I put on ear buds so I can be the only one who hears him.

"Hey girly!" He smiles charmingly at me.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"Just about to head out to dinner."

"With who?"

"My old friend."

"Name please?"

"Natalie..." He becomes quiet knowing my reaction that was coming.

"So what? Your cheating on me now?" I say calmly showing I wouldn't really care, even though I probably would.

"Britt, you know I wouldn't ever give you up. You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in the whole world. Plus what we did, didn't that show you my love for you?"


"Yeah" I lie.

"Well then you have nothing to worry about." He gives me a cheesy smile with a thumbs up, causing me to crack a smile.

"So have you found out a place for us yet?"

"A apartment?"


"Yep! Right on the beach too! Parent and ex-boyfriend free!" He jokes and I pretend to laugh.

"Okay babe. When you get back, we'll move in immediately! I promise. Love you!"

"You too." I press end and lock my phone, and sit frozen in all the emotions I'm feeling.

Before I could get too deep into my thoughts, my phone goes off again. A message from Chad.

From: Chad 😐

Why don't you ever say it back?

To: Chad 😐

I'm still not over him.

From: Chad 😐

I'm dating you. Not him. Stop being like this and get over it. We're moving in together. I will give you anything in the world. Your fine with me.

I didn't even bother to respond.

Yeah fine, but not perfect...

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