Chapter 11- Just Hold Me

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Cameron: BRITTANY! What is this about Nash and you this morning??!! There's fu**ing pictures of you and him holding hands on the beach, all over the damn internet!!!

*he begins to become furious and obviously hurt*

Brittany: *stands up to face him a little scared and begins to tear up* Cameron, I'm so sorry... I can explain everything!

Cameron: Oh really?! Well I'm all ears!

Brittany: Last night I came back to the hotel around 3 am to come and talk to you because I wanted to tell you about everything going on. But Nash woke up instead and asked me if I wanted to take a walk! I didn't know he liked me!

Selena feels cornered, still sitting on the floor curled up with her back against the wall trying to stay calm.

Cameron: *lowers his voice a little bit and starts to tear up* What do you take me for? Am I another celebrity that just uses a girl and dumps her when he gets bored?! I thought I showed you that I desperately love you Brittany!

Brittany: You love me?

Cameron: Yeah... I did! But now... I'm not so sure.

Cameron let's his last sentence dangle through Brittany's mind to think about what she has done. Brittany breaks down crying and is immediately hugged by Selena.

Selena: Hey, hey, hey. It's alright. Cameron just needs sometime to think. He'll forgive you, I promise!

Brittany: *cries so hard to the point she could barely breathe* Selena! You don't know that! Cameron seems to be the type of guy that holds grudges. I don't know what to do. My life is so messed up! I had the guy of my dreams and I let my confused heart shatter everything that could've and should've been.

Brittany storms off into Matt's room knowing that he's not in there because everyone is in Taylor's room. She slams the door behind her and begins crying harder by the second. She walks into the tiny bathroom and looks in the mirror.


I FRICKEN HATE MYSELF! Why the hell do I have to be so stupid and blind???!!! This whole time I've been asking myself, 'who do I love?!' And here, the whole time, the answer was already mine! But then I waited too long and now he's gone. My life absolutely sucks. Why am I still even alive? I should've just killed myself when I had the chance. But no, Cameron came into my life through vine and he made me feel better. Ever since, I haven't cut or thought anything suicidal. That boy doesn't even know half the stuff about me, even now and he still makes me feel worth it. He saved me, now I think he crushed me. Or, maybe I crushed myself.


Brittany looks at the sink counter and sees a razor. She thinks and picks it up. She twirls it around in her hand thinking about her next move. She begins to cry and lightly tap the blade with her index finger feeling the sharpness to the blade. She jumps, when startled by the sight of her blood just by lightly touching the blade.

Unknown: Put that down...

Brittany looks to the doorway and sees Cameron standing there in tears. She looks back down at the sharp, evil object in her hand and tosses it across the bathroom and it lands in the tub. Cameron embraces her in his arms as she begins to break down in continuous tears. He slowly guides her, never letting go, to the floor. Cameron holds the crying, scared, and confused Brittany in his arms sitting on that bathroom floor, rocking her back and forth, trying to calm her down.

Cameron: *whispers*shhhh... It's okay baby girl, everything is alright. I forgive you. Calm down... I still love you.

Brittany: *calms down a little* I'm sorry Cameron! I'm an idiot! I love you! I love you with all my heart!

Cameron: *kisses her on the forehead and wipes a tear from her cheek* I love you too. And absolutely nothing can break my love for you.

Brittany looks up into his beautiful and sincere brown eyes and meets his lips with finally knowing... This is love...


Hey guys! So this chapter was dedicated to any of you who have ever self harmed or Cameron has saved you or any of the guys have. I can't relate personally but I'm here to talk if you want. I'll always be here for you guys. 😘

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