Chapter 70- Controlled

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That picture was perfect for this chapter. ^^^^

Turn in events! What do ya think???!


I sit on my bed and watch TV waiting for Brittany and Nash to finally get back here with the subs. It's been an hour since she last texted me she was on her way back. I should text Nash.

To: Nash

Hey, are you guys almost here?

Before I could press 'send', Nash slams open the door, out of breath, causing me to jump up out of a quick second of fear.

"Dude! What's wrong?! Where's Brittany?!!!"

He huffs and puffs until he can start to actually make out words. "Brittany.... is..... going back to....... California." He breathes heavily.

"What?!!!!! Why??!!!!" a sudden rush of sadness and panic comes over me.

Nash started to regain some breath. "Chad threatened.... her. He said.... if she didn't go back to him, he'd kill..... her and you." He finally gets out.

Without thinking for a second, I act quickly by grabbing my coat and car keys and run out the door.

"Cameron! Wait!" I hear Nash yelling at me as I rush down the hallway.

I turn around not really wanting to stop but he might have more information for me, and I need as much as I can get right now.


"The guy is crazy! He'll kill you, literally if he sees you!"

"I don't care. I need to save Brittany. Without her, I'd rather be dead."

"Please just stay here man. We can just call the cops and report him."

I begin to tear up at the thought of her being gone from me again, enough where a tear escapes my eye and it runs down my cheek. "I can't lose her again..." I whisper as I cry and continue to run down the hallway, all the way to the elevator. even with Nash continuing to yell my name.

* * *



I was back in LA now. My plane just landed. I already told Chad that I was coming back and still haven't checked my phone for any text from Cam.

"Welcome to Los Angeles, California. We thank you for traveling with us today, and hope to see you again soon. You may now use all electronic devices." The lady on the plane's loud speaker says.

I turn my phone off airplane mode and am immediately blasted with a total of 58 texts from Cameron. As the plane comes to a complete stop, I call him without reading the texts, facing the fact, that this may be the last time I will ever talk to him.

The phone rings on and on but goes to voice mail. I try again. Ring 1, ring 2, ring 3, ring 4, ring 5, no answer. I try one more time, crying as I feel the desire to hear his voice once more, but nothing.

Everyone starts getting off the plane, so I grab my bag under my seat, the only one I had, and made my way off the plane. As I come out of the terminal, I see the most drunken face I've ever seen, that had a devilish grin on his face that just read, 'you're life it over.'. I walk hesitantly over to him ready to break down crying again, but I had to hold it in. I didn't want to show him that he was slowly breaking me down. And especially didn't want him to think as if he won. He may "own" me now, but I won't be going down without a fight. I needed him in jail in order for my life to get back on track.

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