Chapter 68- Happy Birthday Baby

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For this chapter, to get the full affect, read it while listening to Vulnerable by Tinashe on repeat with headphones on. (Only available on soundcloud, Beats music and probably YouTube.) Pretend the whole scene that you are Brittany and I will guarantee you that you'll get feels. :P enjoy!


After about an hour of catching up, hugging, crying, and just kissing, Brittany and I fell asleep on my bed and Nash still wasn't back yet. I've been laying here awake, holding her in my arms for about 15 minutes now just thinking about the future and thinking about how lucky I am to finally have her back. Ever since she's been gone, I've never been so depressed in my life. Nash brought me to NYC for my birthday to get my mind of things. And I think his plan was to find me a girl. Most likely a slut actually. Which to be honest, I'd be pretty mad if he did.

I can't believe she's finally mine again. I keep thinking to myself.

I get my phone from on the side of my body on the bed. I open the camera and take a snapchat video of me being goofy and kissing her head and just being happy. Showing my fans I was happy again. Finally everything was perfect once again. I captioned it, 'Finally happy again with her in my arms'

I pressed 'add to my story' and exited snapchat. I open Twitter and go through my notifications out of boredom. As I continue to scroll, Brittany begins to whimper and tense up in my arms. She was still sleeping, but she looked scared. Like she was having a bad dream or something. The whimpers and jolting movements continue until she suddenly sits straight up and breathes heavily, completely freaked out over something. I sit up with her and brace my arms around her, holding her as close to my body as possible.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! What's wrong?!"

She begins to tear up. Not because of happiness, but what seems like fear.

"Nothing. It's nothing I promise." She says trying to calm down and lay back down.

I look down at her, me still sitting up in the bed. "It didn't seem like nothing..."

"... Cam, it's fine. I promise."

"Fine." I lay back down, still not believing her but didn't want to ruin this moment.

I wrap my arm back around her and kiss her cheek and get back on my phone.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Never let me leave you again."

"Will do. Didn't plan on letting you." I chuckle and kiss her once again on the cheek.

She giggles. "You promise?"

"I swear on my life." I smile at hear and pull her closer, rubbing my hand on her arm reassuringly. "You know, this was the best birthday gift ever."

"What did I give you?" She laughs apparently clueless.


She looks up at me and smiles warmly and gives me kissy lips making me give a little laugh at her cuteness, and I meet her lips. I try to release but she grabs my shirt collar and pulls me back down. I continue kissing her and it escalates from there by her sticking her tongue in my mouth. I try to kiss back and end up dominating. It becomes intense as I get on top of her and stroke my hand along the back of her neck, pulling her even closer to my lips.


As I glided my fingers through his soft brown hair, then let one hand travel to his back, I try searching for the seam of the end of his shirt, continuing to make out with him passionately. He makes his soft, gentle kisses travel down to my neck and then to my collar bone, then back up to my neck leaving me with the chills and desire for more.

I find the end of his shirt and struggle to pull it up and off of him. He lets me and immediately resumes leaving love bites on my neck. I rub my hands up and down his bare back. It was warm and smooth. I push his chin up to kiss my lips using my finger, gently touching the little scruff he has.

"I love you..." I say in the kiss.

He stops kissing me, looks at me with his beautiful, killer brown eyes and responds like a angel in a dream.

"I love you so much more."

I smile and lift my head up to crash my lips against his. I feel his strong arms go from my face and neck and make a traced line down to my hips. I feel his finger on both sides peek into my pants and he pulls them down, not taking his lips off of mine the whole time. He stops kissing me, and my lips begged for more without actually speaking for me.

"I just want to kiss you..."

"Then do it." I smile.


He rips off my white v-neck over my head slowly and leaves small kisses leading from my neck, to my collar bone, over to my shoulders, then down in between my boobs, and immediately to my stomach, also very slowly and sensually. I cringe at the amazing feeling of his soft touch, that I can't help but let out small moans. He kisses all around my hips as he finally completely removes my light blue, denim shorts from my body, by dropping them too the floor. Immediately then making his hands to my legs. As he gently rubs his soft hands up and down my legs, from my ankles all the way up to my thighs, he ends up in between my legs. I stroke my hands through his hair, putting some pressure on the back of his head signaling him to kiss me gently on my inner thighs. He takes the hint and does as described. It makes goose bumps appear everywhere on my body and causes nothing but the feeling of love and sexual tension as I throw my head back onto the pillows on the bed out of pleasure. He stops kissing me on my inner thighs, close to my woman hood and looks up at me with desire in his eyes.

"Don't stop..." I whisper through a small groan that manages to escape my lips.

He and I make eye contact, which immediately causes Cam to come up to my lips. I place my hand gently on his cheek as he kisses me, feeling me all over. I've never felt so amazing in my life.

"You're so beautiful." He stops kissing me and grins at me brushing his thumb, lightly on the side of my face and over my lips.

I lightly attach my fingers to his thumb and push it away and push my body up to meet his lips once again. Everytime we were disconnected, I felt like I was going through some type of withdrawal. I felt as if I couldn't go a second without feeling his soft lips on some part of my body because he was such an amazing kisser.

He grabs my waist and pulls me into his body and sits me up. I place my hand on his cheek and the other wondering around his abs and eventually leading down to his pants. I unbutton and unzipped his grey skinny jeans just with one hand while continuing to wrestle his tongue with mine.

He tried laying me back but I gently push him down the other direction and get on top of him. As he lays down on his back, I make my kisses behave the same way he made his for me. Traveled down his body. All the way to his package. I slowly and teasingly kiss and rub his bulge through his briefs causing him to let out encouraging moans and sighs. I eventually couldn't take it anymore and I could tell, neither could he. I search my hand through his briefs and pull out his perfect package and licked it up and down slowly and teasingly making Cameron sexily moan.

As time goes by of pleasuring my man, he pulls me from his dick and brings my lips to his. As our naked bodies lay pressed up against each other and he passionately and slowly kisses my lips, he inserts himself in me and begins thrusting slowly, which felt indescribable, causing me to moan and him to do the same still making out with me.

As he continues to thrust, beginning to go a little faster, I begin to make my kisses lead to his neck, leaving him to nothing but complete pleasure. I suck on his neck, surely giving him a hickey and whisper in his ear as he makes love to me.

"Happy birthday baby." I whisper as seductively in his ear as possible.

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