Chapter 30- Goodnight... Not Goodbye

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We finally arrive at the beach. It's crowded with people around our age and the amazing ocean view in the background of everything. Not to mention the blasting music that just makes you want to dance immediately. Matt grabs my hand and we follow Carter to the tent. I prepare myself to see Cameron. I bet he brought Madison. Preparing myself for that mess of a so called, 'girl' too. We get to the tent and enter it. Carter greets everyone but before I could, Matt pulls me aside.

"Please don't be tempted."

I immediately knew what he meant. I sad to think that I had to make him even think of that.

"I never would babe." I passionately kiss him and latch my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.


I hear all the guys begin to talk and get rowdy. I dig my head out of my phone and get off the hammoc to see everything going on. I see Carter.... that means she must be here. I look left to right and spot her. My heart feels like it has officially shattered. There she was, lip locked with Matt. I knew she was over me. I don't know how she moved on that fast. Because I know I definetely haven't. She spots me as he releases the kiss and walks away from her to talk to Shawn. She looks all around, awkwardly standing there not knowing what to do.

She was so beautiful.... drop dead gorgeous in fact. I miss her so much it hurts. It sucks to even think I've probably only ever think about relationships anymore. I don't know the last time I ever even posted a vine. I was tweeted everyday to my fans, but I should be doing more. But seriously, all that matters to me is Brittany. I could care less about anything. I don't blame her for dumping me. I was unfair to her. I can't believe I let anyone ever even put any sort of doubt in my mind about her. There was nothing to doubt. And I should've never kissed Madison. That was unforgivablele. Yeah, she's done some things too, but... I guess I can't really blame her. She was a fan when I picked her out. She was overwhelmed.

My train of thought was interrupted when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it's Madison. Just what I need yet!!!!

"So... wanna go skinny dipping in the ocean?" She says biting her lip and holding my waist.

"I don't and to be honest, Madison.... I'm done. I don't love you. I never did!" I began to raise my voice making almost everyone look. I was too frustrated with her and mostly myself to care. I was so blind to think I could use her like this to try and forget. But you can never forget someone like Brittany.


"Just leave me alone!"

I see Cameron screaming at Madison and hear what he says. He apparently just dumped her. She runs past me pushing me aside, enough for me to fall down. It knocks the wind out of me as I impact with the ground.

Someone holds out there hand. I couldn't see at first since I had a speck of sand or something in my eye. I got it out and looked up to see Cameron. I hesitated at first but grabbed his hand. When our hands touched, believe it or not, but it was like electricity shooting through my body. It caught me off guard. I forgot how strong he was. He pulled me up quickly, with no effort. I look down and try to walk away without saying a word. I successfully get out of the tent and sit down in the cold sand by myself exluded from all the party goers. I look up at the stars then back down to the ocean and sigh. A couple seconds later, a shadown of someone stands behind me. I look up and see of course! Cameron. He sits down next to me. I don't even bother getting up. I won't let him tempt me. I have to keep saying that to myself everytime I look at him.

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