Chapter 75- I Told You...Never

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I lay on my back and stare back up at the ceiling as I break the glare I was getting from Jack. He copies me and stays where he was, but laid on his back too. As I hear nothing else in the room but our breathing I wait for him to say the first word. Instead, he sits up and walks out of the room without saying a word, rubbing the back of his head and shuts the door calmly behind him.

It's not that I didn't want to say anything, I just didn't know what to say. I didn't understand what actually happened still. I don't know if he was trying to comfort me or wanted to show me he had feelings for me. There was no tongue or anything so that also makes me think, maybe he was just being friendly.

I sit up and take myself out of the room to continue thinking as I make my way up to Cameron's room, shutting the door behind me then making my way up his stairs. Once at the top, I walk over to his bed and sit on the edge and stare at the picture he has in frames on his end table.

All pictures of people he loves. One of his family. Sierra, his mom, and even Jake. The next of a photoshoot picture of me that Bryant took after we left the first Magcon event I've ever went to, the last picture of me and him. They all made me smile and before I knew it, I was crying.

I had to go see him. I get up, and walk down stair into the kitchen, grabbing my car keys off the rack we have hanging on the wall with all of our names in the house on it. Our keys to our car under our name. As I attempt to walk out the door, Selena, Shawn, Matt, Jack G, and Carter were sitting on the couch.

"Where are you going?" Shawn asks me as I open the door.

I stop and look at them looking at me with worry in their eyes.

"Where do you think? To go see Cameron." I answer, it almost coming out too harshly but I contain myself.

As I continue walking out of the door, I catch a glimpse of Jack G looking at me with a blank face, but then looks back down at his phone.

I brush it off and head to my car. As I drive off, I plug in my phone and a song that I recorded for my upcoming album plays. My album wasn't released yet, but I was pretty excited when they handed me the first copy. My song, "All of the Stars" come on. (From TFIOS but just go along with it) I sing along to the words that I sang.

"It's just another night,
And I'm staring up at the moon.
I saw a shooting star and thought of you.
I sang a lullaby by the water side and knew,
if you were here, I'd sing to you..."

The rest of the song, I spent crying until I arrived at the hospital.

As I approached the front desk, I collected myself and calmed myself down, making an effort to make it look like I wasn't crying at all. I think I pretty much succeeded. I felt pathetic for crying all the time.

"Hi, I'm here to visit Cameron Dallas."


"Brittany Karper."

"I'm sorry, no one but family."

I've never seen this nurse before so she must be new... That explains her bitchy rules. "Oh no, I'm his wife."

"Then why did you say your last name was Karper? Not Dallas?"

"Because I was giving you my maiden name... We're newly wed! I'm not used to calling my last name Dallas. Sorry about that!" I try to friendly, fake laugh.

She looks at me as if she saying 'bullshit' in her head, but what was she going to do? Argue with me? She can't prove shit.

"Go ahead. Sign in." She snickered as she continued typing away on her computer.

I quickly signed myself in as Brittany Dallas and it was such a cool feeling. I liked the sound of that... Brittany Dallas ☺️

By now, I've learned exactly which way to go to get to Cam's room. I've been here everyday since he's been admitted.

I come to his room and open the door. Cameron was right where I left his yesterday.... And the day before that... And he day before that. I take a picture of how peaceful he looks for his fans really quick. They needed to know that he was okay.

I linked the picture to my caption of:

There he is, peaceful as ever. My Cameron. OUR Cameron :') be strong guys for Cam.

I tweeted it and got the expected, instant replies of girls saying they're crying but staying strong for him. Other saying they have my back in this. It was all sweet. Only got a couple negatives from the haters but they didn't matter.

I put the phone back in my back pocket and walk fully over to him, sitting on the chair next to his bed. I grab his cold hand and rub my thumb back and forth on the back of it. As I stared at him, I took to notice that his fingers started to move.... then his lips.

"I love you..." He whispers to me!

I begin to cry and lean over and hug him, being gentle but it was hard not to attack him in kisses right there.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me." I whisper through my cries into the crook of his neck.

"I told you, I'd never leave you."

Okay, I'm crying 😭😭😭💕

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