Chapter 54- Reconsidering

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I wake up and come to Brittany hovering over me looking concerned. She hugs me and when we make eye contact.

"Are you okay?! How's your head feel?" She asks me and I become confused.

"I'm fine. What are you talking..." I say as I begin to lift up my head from the pillow but figure out what she was talking about.

A sharp pain shot through my skull and I laid my head back down as I winced at the pain.

"What happened?"

"Nash punched you in the face.... Then the side of the head once you were on the ground and knocked you out. Bart figured out he was high because no one believes that Nash would ever do that to you other wise. Plus they drug tested them."


"Jack J, Jack G, Nash, and Sammy. They were all kicked off the tour a whole month. They'll meet back up with us at the last 5 events before we go back to LA."

I sigh and shut my eyes refusing to comment on the subject. I was happy but also upset that this probably will put me in a rough spot with everyone... Except Brittany. And maybe Shawn and Selena. The rest of them will probably be mad at me for going ahead and dealing with this like this. Taking her side. But we all do stupid things when we're in love. Not saying that this particular time it was stupid. That's the thing. I don't know if it was or not.


I watch as he gracefully closes his eyes. I can't help but smile at the sight of him. My heart beats fast. But how can I love, when I'm too scared to fall again? Yes you heard me... I'm in love. And I'm afraid that will never change.

Before I get too lost in my thoughts, I stand up and walk towards the door.

"Text me if you need anything." I whisper loud enough for him to hear me.

I walk out the door and quietly close it behind me. When I come out, I see Nash, Sammy, and the Jack's walking towards the elevator with their bags. Nash turns around and sees me watching their every move. He sets down his bag, and I watch as he starts walking towards me. I stand still feeling fearful about what he's doing but he ends up hugging me. Not what I was expecting at all...?

"I'm sorry. And tell cameron I'm not mad at him. I'm a total idiot. I should've never touched the stuff. I really hope you guys forgive me. Especially Cameron."

"I'll let him know. And just when you come back... Don't bring the weed." I jokingly wink at him and he smirks.

"Promise. Rock the stage tomorrow... And the next day... And the next." He jokes.

He hugs me again and rejoins his suitcase and gets in the elevator with the pissed off, looking Sammy and Jack J. Jack G seemed to be okay with me. Hopefully he will be okay with me. I really like Gilinsky. He's like my older bro.

I continue walking back to my room with a smile on my face. As I pass Matt's room, I hear him and the other guys just talking... Calmly for once. I begin to get suspicious so I knock on the door. Selena opens it and steps aside without saying a word, and I step in. Everyone looks up and stares at me with straight faces in total silence.

"Guys, I know you're all pretty mad at me and Cameron, but I just need to know why. I was doing the right thing."

"Doing the right thing by letting down thousands of fans who were looking forward to see their favorite? Some of these girls paid for VIP passes just to meet one of us in particular, and if that was particularly Nash, Sammy, or the Jack's, they'll be really upset." Taylor starts to raise his voice at me.

"And Magcon is never the same without them." Carter adds.

"I'm sorry. But if you guys were the friends you want to be for then, you'd understand that getting rid of this problem will be good for them and you." I defend.

"She's right guys. But Brittany... Why not just get Sammy off the tour? He was the cause of all this."

"It wasn't my decision! It was Bart's."

"Well how about you stop this before it's too late?!" Matt tries to prove a point.

I nod and get out my phone. I call Bart, who is taking the guys back to a airport.




"Is there any way you could just kick Sammy out.... Not Nash and the Jack's? Please?"

"Brittany, make up your mind! Do you think they should be on tour or not?! I feel like an idiot making these decisions based off of your judgements."

"I'm sorry. Just please bring them back... Not Sammy."
"Fine. We'll be back in the morning."

Bart hangs up from his line and I instantly feel bad. I didn't want to keep bothering him or make him feel like I was in charge or anything. I just wanted to protect everyone. That's one of my problems. I try to protect everyone and everything. But I need to realize I can't do that. Breaking up with Cameron just because of the drugs was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that so quickly. We could've worked it out. But now it's too late.... I'm with Chad.

Speaking of the devil. Chad just texted me. I open the text and instinctively smile at the words he sent me.

From: Chad

Hey, just wanted to remind you... I love you. Always have always will. I'm sorry for this morning. I was an ass. Just don't give up on me baby girl. 😘

To: Chad


I sent it and put my phone back in my pocket reconsidering what I just said about being with Cameron. Being with Chad works. Well, it is working.

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