Chapter 7- Mixed Feelings

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Brittany finally reaches her front door and opens it to see her mom standing there looking at her with her arms crossed.

Brittany: What?

Brenda: Where the hell were you?!!!

Brittany: At Magcon! Remember!

Brenda: You said it ended at 10! It's fricken 11:30!

Brittany: So!? And aren't you supposed to be out clubbing!? *she yells at her mom as she charges up the steps mad.*


Brittany hears her mom's last sentence before she slams her bedroom door. She breaks down crying by sliding down the back of her door and holds her head in her hands. She feels a viberation in her pocket as she continues crying. She digs her phone out of her pocket and wipes her eyes clear so she can see the lit up screen. It's a text from an unknown number.


Unknown: I just want to let you know, if Cameron and you don't work out, I'll be here waiting. I like you a lot and I hope you might eventually feel the same.

Brittany: First of all, who is this? And I won't like anyone besides Cameron.

Unknown: Are you sure because you didn't seem to be fully engaged into him today. You kept looking at me too.

Brittany: Matt?

Matt: You got it babe.

Brittany: Yeah, so? I was looking at you. It doesn't mean I love Cameron any less.

Matt: We'll see. But I like you, Brittany. You're gorgeous. I can't stop thinking about you. So just to warn you, Cameron has a reputation for short relationships and they always end by him. So be careful.

Brittany: I won't believe that for a second. Goodnight Matt.

Matt: See you tomorrow beautiful. Goodnight.

Brittany: I'm not coming back tomorrow.

Matt: What!? Why?!

Brittany: My mom is being a bit**.

Matt: /: ok. I guess I won't see you for a while then.

Brittany: Idk. Goodnight.

Matt: Goodnight beautiful princess :*

Brittany: Please don't do that.

Matt: Fine... goodnight gorgeous queen. ;)

Brittany slams down her phone and curls up into a ball, still on the floor. She's so confused on her feelings its insane. She thinks to herself, it wouldn't be fair to Cameron if she even came anything close to flirting with Matt. But another half of herself, wanted Matt and loved the way he texted her just then.

Brittany: *whispers to herself* I'm so confused.


HEYYYYY! :) Sorry for not updating in a little while. I'm busy with school and work so... /: and sorry if this was a short chapter but this is a place where I needed to leave you thinking.... so, who do you think Brittany should be with?! Cam or Matt?!

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