Chapter 52- Meeting Sammy

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I wake up to hearing a loud thud on the floor of the bus. Cameron fell out of his bunk. He was laying on the floor holding his hand. I quickly come down from my bunk and help him instinctively. All the other guys are still snoring.

"Are you okay?!"

He begins to laugh so I know he's fine. "Yeah. Just hurt my hand a little and my face." He says causing me to laugh too.

I stand up and help him stand up. We both laugh and I come back to my bed. I grab my phone and walk over to the small sitting area in the front of the bus and sit.

I had a FaceTime request from Chad. I accepted it and see him smiling at me.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey." I say still tired as hell.

"What's wrong?"

"I just woke up."

"Oh. Okay. So whatchya up to?"

"I was about to get something for breakfast, but you wanted to FaceTime." I try to say nicely but it just comes out sounding bitchy. Of course.

"Geez Miss. Moody!" He tries to joke at me but I'm so not in the mood right now. "What you on your period?"

"Excuse me?!"

"You're not? Oh okay. Sorry. I just assum...."

I pressed 'end call' before he could finish his sentence. This kid fricken annoyed me more and more everytime I talked to him. He would always think there's something wrong with me just because I'm not acting up to their standards or whatever. Cameron never did that. My thoughts are interrupted when I get a text from Chad.

From: Chad

Hey sorry... You okay?

To: Chad

I'll talk to you tonight.

From: Chad

Stop being mad at me. 😞

To: Chad

Ttyl Chad! 😣

I turned off my phone with that not willing to deal with anyone else right now. I got up and walked to the small kitchen and grabbed a waffle out of the freezer and pop it in the toaster. I almost fall asleep standing there, waiting for it to pop up. When it does, it startles me and causes me to jump. I butter it, put powder sugar on it and grab the plate, and take it to the media room and turn on the TV. Everyone was asleep and Cameron was the only one who was awake, which means I had to sit awkwardly on the couch with him. But I'll deal with it. When I take a seat in the center of the couch, where the couch turns to verge to the other side of the room.

I take the first bite of my waffle and it tasted like funnel cake! Cameron sat on the other side of the couch and browsed through his phone, shirtless I may mention.

"So are you excited for Magcon?" He tried to break the awkward silence except for the TV being on.

I laugh. "That was a stupid question! Of course I am!"


"So when we get there, what's usually the first thing we do?"

"Check into the hotel. Get situated in our rooms and then just chill till the next day which is the actual day of Magcon."

"Sounds good."

I text Bart cause he's driving behind us in his car.

To: Bart 💰

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