Chapter 14- Nothing Left

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Brittany opens her eyes to see Matt sitting in the lounge chair, focused on his phone. She then feels the bed move behind her and sees Nash and Cameron sitting on the edge of the bed whispering. She sits up out of the bed and looks confused on why everyone seems to be waiting around.

Brittany: What's going on?

Cameron: Oh, good, you're awake... *he says hesitantly*

Nash: All three of us need you to explain something so we can all move on from this love triangle we've been having problems with.

Brittany: Why now? Why can't it wait?

Cameron: *says concerned and a little upset* Because Matt just let me know what almost happened last night between you two and I'm getting fed up of not kowing if you're mine or not.

Everyone becomes a little quieter and the room becomes awkward quickly.

Matt: *looks at Brittany a little frustrated* Well?!

Brittany: Well what?! I'm sorry to all of you! I really am! It's just that, I'm so confused. I've would've never have dreamed any of this would've ever happened really... I thought it would just be another exciting day.... To just come to MagCon like any other, ordinary fan, but instead, I got Cameron's attention and to be honest, I fell in love so quickly I didn't know what to do and I completely forgot about my other feelings for Matt and Nash.

Cameron: But don't you think I was confused too?! I would've never dreamed that I would meet this amazing girl on Twitter who happened to be a fan of mine and well.... fall in love with her.

Brittany: I'm sorry. But I think we should all have common sense that no one can control their feelings. Things just happen. So what about you two?! You two seem to have only trying to get me to not be in love with Cameron. You say you like me too, but how do I know you're not just jealous of what Cam and I have?

Matt: Because to be honest, I fell in love with your personality just by hearing what Cameron had to say about you the night he came back from meeting you for the first time. But then when I seen you walk into the hotel room the first time, my heart felt like it stopped for a second.

Brittany: I don't know how to respond to that.... I really don't.

Cameron rolls his eyes and lets out a pissed off, sigh.

Nash: Well I, personally to be honest, was probably just jealous. Sorry.

Brittany: You sure didn't act like you were just jealous when you....! *stops in the middle of her sentence remebering that Cameron doesn't know what they did."

Cameron: When he what?!

Nash: When I kissed her!

Cameron storms out of the room leaving Brittany chasing after him. He keeps walking not looking back at her. Brittany screams...

Brittany: Cameron! I love you! I know I do!

Cameron turns around and walks back to her and kisses her passionately by holding her cheeks in his hands.

Cameron: Now please tell me the truth... do you love me? Does kissing me make you feel anything?

Brittany: *begins to cry* Yes it does.... I swear it does! I've never been more truthful. When I kissed Nash, I felt nothing!

Cameron: What about kissing Matt?

Brittany: You want the truth?

Cameron: I'm scared... but, yeah, I do.

Brittany: Yeah I did. But before you get all pissed again, remember... no one can control their feelings. Okay? But if you accept me, I promise I would never cheat on you. No matter what my feelings.

Cameron: I don't know Britt... I'm sorry. I just need time to think.

Brittany looks up into his beautiful brown eyes and begins to tear up again. She stands on her tip toes and tries to kiss him again but he backs away.

Brittany: *Whispers* I'm sorry...

Cameron: Just leave...

Brittany: What about the photoshoot?

Cameron: I don't think you should go. I'm sorry... *walks away back to his room*

Brittany watches in total depression as he walks away. She runs and stops his door from shutting.

Brittany: Please just give me another chance.

Cameron: Brittany, I can't be with someone who can't have feelings just for me and I can't have the idea in my mind that I can't even leae her alone with one of my best friends who she can leave me for.

Silent tears fall down Brittany's cheeks and Cameron takes one last glance into her sparkling blue eyes before shutting the door.

Cameron: Goodbye Brittany.

Brittany's hand remains on the door, remaining frozen wanting the door to open back up and Cameron to change his mind and kiss her like he always does. But he doesn't. She walks down the hallway as she watches the tears hit the ground. She knocks on Selena's door lightly. Taylor answers.

Taylor: What's wrong, Brittany?

Brittany: Just where's Selena?

Taylor: she's sleeping. *as he points to her on the bed under the covers but, naked.*

Brittany: You leave her alone Taylor. Please. Selena, shouldn't be taken advantage of like this. She loves you... why can't you just either love her or let her go without this 'benefits' idea?

Taylor: I'm doing what me and her want. Okay? Just because you're all depressed over your Cameron drama, doesn't mean you have to create drama for me. *he says defensive*

Brittany: Whatever.. I'm not in the mood to fight. Just let Selena know that I'm going home and I'm not coming back.

Taylor: Why?

Brittany: Ask your idiotic friends. See ya.

Taylor shuts the door and Brittany heads home. When she gets home she finds a note on the front door that says,

"You know what Brittany!? I'm sick of you thinking you can do whatever you damn well feel like! If you wanted to come home and think you still had a bed to sleep in, you're wrong. If you want to live here, you come home when I say to be home. So if it gets past your curfew, this door will be locked. So have fun sleeping who knows where!


Brittany crumbles up the note and throws it on the ground and sits on the front step and cries. After 10 minutes of sitting in the dark, she begins walking to the back of the house to try and get in the house through the back door. It opens.

Brittany: *rolls her eyes* What an idiot! *she whispers to herself*

She walks in the door and slowly creeps up the stairs to her room. When she gets to the end of the hallway, she opens her bedroom door and everything in her room in gone. The walls are painted back to white when they were originally aqua. She breaks down crying and runs to her closet where all her MagCon merch she just bought and the rest of her outfits should be. When she opens her closet door everything is either gone or ripped to shreds. All the clothing she ever owned was gone. She finds another note on top of a pile of ripped clothing.

"Sluts don't need clothing. Sound familiar?!"

It did. That's what she always said to her mom because she was always bringing home a new guy almost everytime she came home from the club. Brittany sat down on the floor and just cried herself to sleep. Nothing was going right in her life. She had no one at this point. No friend, no parents... and most important, no Cameron.

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