Chapter 43- I'll Always Be Here

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Cam carries me into the limo and holds me on his lap the whole ride home as I nuzzle my face into his neck and try to continue to cry but it was no use. I might be out of tears. At this point, I was just exhausted and couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that my daddy was dead. I was daddy's little girl and I never even got to say goodbye. They never even told me he was being deported till my mom came home that one day.


"Mom?! I'm home from school!" I yell cheerfully through the house.

"Get your ass upstairs and start packing!"

My mom never talked to me like that. What the heck? "Where are we going?"


"I'm surely not going!"

"Fine stay here! I'm leaving. See ya!"

What happened? My mom always is so loving and kind. She's acting like she's drunk as she hobbles around stuffing all her clothes in her suitcase and food into a cooler.

"Where's dad?"

"I dropped him off at the air port this morning. He was deported. Any more questions or are you gonna stand there like the little cocky bitch you are?!" she raises her voice at me from across the room.

A tear starts forming in my eye and my whole body seems to freeze. I run outside and across the street, then down the road to Shank Park. I sit on the floor of the gazebo there and hold my legs to my stomach and let my tears flow.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye..."


I've been at this park since 6:30 and it is now midnight. I've never been alone this long away from everyone. Every time I go to stand up and finally go back home, something pulls me back down and tells me to stay. I felt like I was frozen in my place. It was lonely but I finally forced myself to get up and walk home. When I get in the door, my mom was passed out on the couch with a dozen shot glasses on the coffee table next to her. She never drank. What the heck is going on? She acts like she stressed about something. I doubt it's because of my dad because she would just be crying instead.


The memories fade away in my mind as I feel the limo come to a stop. Everyone starts to exit the limo and Cameron attempts to continue to carry me but I slide off his lap and walk out myself. When I get out, I realize how tired I really am and feel my leg almost give out a couple times, as I try to climb the stairs to get to the loft's front door. Cam holds my arm for support. He must've noticed. I would normally give him a smile but my face was frozen to a straight, traumatized face. I hope he understood. Taylor unlocks the door and we all file in. Cam and I are the last ones to get in the door and he shuts it behind us. He quickly rejoins me by my side and tries to lead me up the stairs. I push his hand off my arm and look at him.

"I just want to sit on the couch." I say with weakness in my voice.

"Sweetheart, look at you, you're exhausted."

I just give him a upset look and he sighs and leads me to the couch. He sits down on the couch the long ways and opens his legs and places a pillow where his croch is and I lay down. Instead of laying my head on the pillow, I lay on his chest and he naturally wraps his strong, comforting arms around me and kisses the top of my head. Everyone else either goes into the kitchen to eat or joins us in the living room and watches TV, trying not to talk. It was uncomfortably quiet, but whatever. I guess they were just being respectful, which I appreciate. I eventually find myself dozing off and fall asleep on my sweet boyfriend.

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