Chapter 10- I Love You... At Least I Think I Do?

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Brittany: This is so nice. *she smiles while observing the beautiful scenery of the beach and the sunrise.*

Cameron: It is pretty gorgeous. I'm glad I got to experience it with you though. *he smiles charmingly across the small table and reaches his hand out and places it gently on her hand.*


This is exactly what I mean! His eyes, his smile, just his presence in general kills me! No guy has ever made me feel like this. But then this morning when I was walking with Nash, he gave me a similar feeling. I hate this! And when I see Matt, he is so sexy and adorable I can't take my eyes off of him.


Cameron snaps his finger in front of Brittany's face to break her long stare.

Cameron: Britt? Are you okay?

Brittany: Oh yeah! I am, sorry. *she shakes it off and starts to stand up from her seat copying Cameron's action.* Wait.... what did you just call me? *she giggles*

Cameron: *begins to blush* Britt. Since you call me 'Cam', I think I should be able to call you 'Britt'.

Brittany: *blushes and smiles at him* I think that is a pretty good idea.

Cameron nods at her words and grabs her hand and intertwines his and her fingers as they start to walk back across the street to the hotel. When they arrive at the top floor where all the magcon boy's rooms are, Brittany and Cameron step out of the elevator. As they continue to walk, Brittany stops in her tracks as she hears soft whimpers coming from behind her. She turns around and sees Selena sitting up against the wall with her head in her hands crying.

Cameron: Selena? What's wrong?

Selena: *picks up her head* I'm sorry, Cameron but I need to talk to Brittany about this... only.

Cameron: Okay. I'll be in my room getting ready if you guys need anything. *kisses Brittany's cheek and walks away*

Brittany sighs at the view of her crying friend and sits, close beside her, also on the floor.

Brittany: What's wrong? What happened?

Selena: Last night, I made a big decision....

Brittany: Selena... please tell me you didn't do what I think you did!

Selena: If you're thinking sex, then sorry but yeah.... I'm such an idiot! *she cries harder*

Brittany: You're not an idiot. Just tell me what happened.

Selena: Well last night, I thought to myself that it would be amazing to have my first time with THEE Taylor Caniff, and so I did it. Plus, he wanted me... bad! And so this morning, I woke up in the strong, muscular, sexy arms of Taylor and I had no regrets still. Until he woke up...

Brittany: What do you mean?

Selena: He told me he loved last night but he told me he just wants to be friends....

Brittany: WHAT A SICK BAS-

Selena: *cuts sentence off* ....with benefits. *she says shamefully*

Brittany: And what the hell did you say?!

Selena: I said I didn't know...

Brittany: Selena! Why would you say that?! What would even give you the thought of even considering it?

Selena: Because, I realise I love Shawn more.... and Taylor is just good in bed... and I can say that, that little fan girl is gone and that was fake love. I don't truly love Taylor... just as a friend. But Shawn makes me feels otherwise. He gives me butterflies everytime he even walks into the room or stares at me.

Brittany: Wow...

Selena: What?

Brittany: I'm going through something similar too.

Selena: What do you mean? I thought you loved Cameron... and Matt and Nash were just a little interesting crush.

Brittany: That's what I thought until last night, at 3 am, and this morning....

Selena: You lost me *she laughs a little*

Brittany: Last night, Matt was texting me and he told me he liked me....

Selena: Woah... danger.

Brittany: I know, and by the end of the conversation, Matt warned me that Cameron isn't good with keeping one relationship...

Selena: Like, cheating?

Brittany: I guess.

Selena: But are you going to believe him?

Brittany: I don't know. That's one of the problems. And then around 2 in the morning, I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again for anything so I drove back here to the hotel and knocked on Cameron and Nash's hotel room door and Nash answered. He didn't let me in, instead he started flirting with me and he ended up convincing me to take a walk on the beach with him.

Selena: That's cute and all but that's basically cheating on Cameron, Brittany.

Brittany: You don't think I don't know that?!

Selena: Well did anything happen?

Brittany: Oh yeah! Here's the worst part, while we were walking, Nash continuously attempted to hold my hand, but everytime I would shake my hand out of his, he would try again and again until finally I wasn't thinking, and let him hold my hand.

Selena: Oh no... did you guys kiss? I'm afraid of the answer...

Brittany: ... yeah... he kissed me in front of their hotel room door when we got back from the walk. And I was stupid and didn't force myself out of the kiss.

Selena: Brittany!!!!!

Brittany: I know! I know!

Selena: So does Cameron have any suspision?

Brittany: Not as I know of...

Then as like it was on cue, Cameron starts walking towards the two friends looking a little pissed.

Brittany: *says under her breath* Oh shit....


Sorry I haven't wrote in a while, I broke my finger and it's really hard to type. :( PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK AND HELP ME GET MORE READERS!!!!!!

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