Chapter 12- A Wake Up Call

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Cameron lifts his head up from leaning against the bathroom wall. He looks down and sees Brittany calmy asleep in his arms. He smiles at her beauty and the thought of that they just spent the night on the bathroom floor! (Lol) He slowly tries to move from underneath her and stand up without waking Brittany. He succeeds and stands up without making her even flinch. Cameron picks Brittany up and brings her to his room also, trying not to wake up Matt and Carter (since they're in their room) in the process. He finally gets to Nash and his room and lays her down on his bed and covers her up. He leans down and kisses her on the forehead and takes off his shirt and makes his way to the other side of the bed. He slips in the covers trying to not make any sudden movements or sounds so he doesn't wake anyone up. As he begins to sit on the edge of the bed, Brittany rolls over, almost breaking her slumber. Cameron doesn't take the risk and stands back up. He looks around the room trying to figure out where to sleep. He spots the open couch that's being used as an apparent storage for his and Nash's suitcases. He moves the bags and tries to make himself as comfortable as possible. It wasn't easy but he was so tired he ended up falling asleep anyway.


Brittany begins to slowly open her eyes as a little opening of the curtain shines some sunlight right into her eyes inconveniently. She sits up in bed and stretches and yawns. She looks to the right of her and sees no one there and looks to the window side of the room and no one there either.

Brittany: Cam?

Brittany begins to hear whispers from the hallway. She gets up out of the bed and walks as silently as possible to the door and puts her ear up against it. She hears Cameron and Nash talking.

Nash: Why won't you just face the fact that she likes me?!

Cameron: Dude, do you hear yourself? She my girlfriend! Not yours! And I don't know what you take me for but you and Matt have the wrong idea apparently. I don't use girls or cheat on them or even break up with them when I get bored!

Nash: Well good luck trying to clearing that with Brittany because Matt already told her those things

Cameron: Why??!!!!

Nash: Because man, you haven't had a relationship that has lasted longer than 3 weeks! Like dude, c'mon! You're 19 and you've had over 10 girls now. Your a player and I'm going to make sure Brittany knows that!

Cameron: NO I'M NOT!

Nash: You don't love her. I know you don't.

Cameron: oh yeah? And how the hell do you suppose you know that?

Nash: Because I know about Madison!

Brittany begins to cry at the pain of the start of another broken piece in her life.

I'm so sorry for a short chapter but it's been so hard to write now that I'm working at least 6 hours a day almost everyday.

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