Chapter 31- Moving In

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I walk out of Matt and I's bedroom and walk out to the living room to find him and Carter sitting on the couch watching TV. I sit down right next to Matt and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Hey! I thought you'd be asleep by now." he says kissing my cheek.

"I can't sleep. Too much on my mind."

There was an awkward silence for at least 30 seconds apparenly making Carter feel especially awkward.

"Well I'm going to bed! See ya guys tomorrow." He says as he stands up and walks into his room.

Matt waits a couple seconds and gets lost into the TV show.

"Okay, so what's up?" He asks randomly.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you into Cameron?"

I was sick of hearing the name. I said nothing more and pressed my lips against his. He freezes and kisses back hard. I slowly straddle his lap to continue making out with him. I was being turned on by the feeling of him getting hard under me through our clothes. I throw his shirt up and off of him onto the floor. He kisses my neck as he I grab onto his hair once again and layed onto him. He makes me moan once again as he hits my sweet spot.

"Are you ready yet?" He whispers, out of breath into my neck and shoulder and continues kissing it.

"Yes." I also try to whisper without letting out another quiet moan.

He immediately runs his hands up under my shirt and unclips my bra. I slowly, and teasingly lift my shirt up and throw it on the floor. He looks at me stunned at my body as he removes my bra also. Matt goes wild and says nothing else and passionately meets my lips again and rubs his hands, grabbing and playing with my breasts. He eventually picks me up as I straddle his shirtless upper body and carries me to our bedroom. He shuts the door behind us never to stop kissing me. I felt his passion run through me with every kiss. He lays me on the bed and gets on top of me. His barely noticeable abs were nothing to make go wild over like Cameron's but I pretended it made everything 10x better. Or at least tried. I push him off of me and roll on top of him and undo his belt slowly. He looks at me biting his lip.

"Get what you want babe." he tries to whisper seductively to me.

I pull out his package... well small package, sad to say. Or at least it wasn't what Cameron's was. I took him into my mouth and pleasured him for a good five minutes. He eventually had enough and pulled me off the floor and threw me onto the bed. He pulled off my shorts and panties and attempted to lick me. I get caught up in the pleasure.

"Yell my name." He demands sexy like.

"Cam... I mean.... Matthew!"

He immediately stops. I almost fall on the floor trying to calm down from the, almost- climax I was about to have.

"What?!!" He raises his voice putting his boxers back on.

"What? I was doing what you told me to!"

"No.... I'm not Cameron, Brittany! Damn you two are such a mess! All you two ever do is think about eachother 24/7!"

I say nothing because it was probably true. This was so unfair to Matt. But I can't make my heart fall for someone that it doesn't want to.

"Do you love me at all?" He says really pissed watching me put my tank top and panties back on.

"Matt, that's not a very fair question..."

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