Chapter 62- Dreams are Fortunes

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Short chapter... sorry :(



I wake up to a gentle hand placed on my back. I was laying on my bed on my stomach, with my eyes still moist and all sadness still there. I turn around and see it's Brittany.

"I um..." I try to clear all signs that I was crying but she cuts me off by hugging me sweetly.

I hold her in my arms forgetting everything that has happened, when it all comes back to me. I push her back and sit a little further away from her.

"What's wrong?"

I shook my head not wanting to come out with an answer because I didn't know the answer. I should be mad at her too, but I can never find myself to be at someone I love more than life.

"Cameron, you heard didn't you?"

I nod and look down at my hands. They were still damp from my tears earlier.

"Well I don't know if it will help but, I didn't want to. I didn't feel anything, and I still don't."

"What's that supposed to..." Before I could say another word, she was latched onto my lips.

I place my hands on her cheeks firmly to deepen the passionate kiss that was way over due. Her or I didn't even think about pulling away for a second because I believe we both knew, this was right. It looked, felt, and just made sense.

She backs up and we stare into each others eyes smiling and giggling.

"I can't stay away from you anymore Cameron. I mean... Cam." She smiles and I kiss her sweetly once more.

. . .

I wake up from the amazing dream. It felt so real. I wish it was. I must've slept through the whole night just from crying. I walk over to my bag and grab grey cargo shorts and the blue button up, dress shirt I showed Brittany at the mall through the text message 2 days ago.

I fixed my hair and made myself look as hot as possible. I was going to get her back. I needed to. The skin under my eyes were still puffy from crying, but that couldn't be changed.

I grab my phone off the end table trying not to wake up Nash, and headed out of the hotel room. I opened up the door that had the most noise going on it, which was really the only one. I walk in to see Matt, Carter, Aaron, and Selena all talking and laughing showing each other funny pictures and vines.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit in the lounge chair in the corner of the room next to Selena who is sitting on the other one on the opposite side.

"Nice outfit!" she smiles at me causing me to smile.

"Another attempt to get Brittany back, right?" Carter asks.

"What else?"

"Good luck with that." Selena says making me feels even more crushed.

"Why do you say that?"

"She's moving in with Chad after we all get back from tour."

"She's moving out now?!!!"

"Yeah. Sorry."

I ruffle my hair out of anxiety and nervousness.

I take a deep breath trying to comprehend this. But I can't. "We'll see about that."

"Cameron, don't even try to change her mind. She doesn't need to have in the back of her head anymore that her boyfriend is doing weed." Selena jabs at me, but put in a nice tone some how.

"I stopped! I haven't done it since that night she caught me!"

"Whatever. You still did it."

I because silent starting to get the idea in my head that this is all my fault. If I wouldn't have took that one joint, everything would be completely perfect normal right now. She'd be cuddling with me this very second. My dream would become a reality.

"I'm still never going to give up."

"That's sweet and all, just be careful. Brittany isn't in a safe state of mind right now."

"Wait... What? What's that supposed to mean?"

"She's suicidal right now..."

I immediately jump up out of my chair and head towards the door. That word gave me the chills and made the hair on my body stand up. There was no way in hell I would let her think that way or do it. She needed to be talked to and convinced how much she matters to so many people. Mostly me.

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