Chapter 69- Scared Of Death

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***3 DAYS LATER***


"Cameron!" I laugh and scream as he tickles me to the point I can't breathe.

"No, say it!" He laughs back.

"No!" I keep attempting to break free of his grasp but he doesn't budge.

He eventually pins me down on the bed and sits on top of me continuing to tickle me.

"Then I won't stop."

"Fine!" I laugh and he stops for a quick second. "Cameron, you're my prince charming!" I laugh and he gets off of me finally. I did mean it, I just wasn't going to say it in the first place because it was too corny.

"And you're my princess." He chuckles and I play hit him on his arm as I fix my hair.

"You're a jerk." I giggle putting my shoes on.

He gives me a puppy dog face that was too cute I couldn't even pretend to be mad at him. I walk over to him a wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him lightly.

"You know I didn't mean it." I give a hesitated giggle.

"Yeah, I know." He smiles and runs his hands down my sides and rests them on my hips.

"I gotta go." I say as I release my grip on him and grab my wristlet wallet off the night stand.

"Where are you going?"

"To Subway. I'm hungry. Want me to get you something?"

"Yeah. I'll text you what I want."

"Kay." I grasp my car keys in my hand and put it in my pocket before give Cameron a quick hug and kiss and walk out of the hotel room.

I come to see Nash sitting in the hallway looking pretty angry, pacing back and fourth when all of the sudden he whips his phone across the hallway.

"Nash, what's wrong?!"

"Natalie broke up with me!" He says through his clenched teeth but calms down into tears when I rest my hand lightly on his shoulder to let him know it's okay.

"Did she say why?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm mad. She said she loves someone else."


"I don't know. She just said it was a guy that she was cheating on me with this whole time, who just a couple days ago leave him so she's going to him before he can find his original girlfriend."

"Nash, you're in New York City, there's thousands of girls in this city, and there's a group of fans in the lobby. Take your pick!" I don't know why I was saying it, but I was guessing how his guy friends would talk.

"I loved her..." He whispers as he starts to tear up even more.

"I know. But all great things eventually come to an end. You never know when, but when it does, fix it as quickly as possible. And by doing that, you will be able to continue life happy, instead of accepting the misery. Just go talk to Cameron if you need someone else to talk to. I'm on my way to Subway, want anything?"

"Can I just come with you?"

"Sure. Let's hurry back. It's getting dark again."

* * *

We arrived at Subway and got our sandwiches. Before we could leave the shop, Nash went to the bathroom and I told him I'd wait outside.

To: Cam the Bae 💘💋

Hey, Nash and I went to Subway together and got the sandwiches, we're on our way now.

I pressed send and he soon replied with a "k". Hated when people did that.

I stand with my back up against the building waiting for Nash, shivering as the icy cold wind smacked against any bare skin that was showing. I ignore the feeling as much as possible until my phone vibrates in my hands. I look at it and it was a text from Chad. Oh shit, this can't be good.

From: Chad


No one demands me like that. I wasn't his slave. I take a deep breath and think about what to say without making him become even more angry than he already was.

To: Chad

I'm sorry but I'm never coming back. As I said in the letter, you treated me with so much disrespect and it's not the Chad I fell in love with in high school. Every day that went by I grew apart from you more and more.

From: Chad

Listen here little slut, I WILL find you. No matter where you go or what you do. And if you're with your pathetic pretty boy, Cameron, consider him dead. And if you don't come back here right now, you're dead too. Literally.

At that moment, I felt as if a bomb exploded in my chest. I break down in tears and start shaking uncontrollably. I almost fall over, as I step on ice, but Nash catches me. I hug him because he was the only thing near by and cry into his winter coat.

"What's wrong?!"

I hand him my phone and continue to freak out in tears as I watch his eyes get huge and mouth drop and soon, his whole facial expressions turns to anger.

"NO ONE TALKS TO YOU THAT WAY! And if he thinks for a second, that he will lay a hand on you or Cameron, he'll go through me and the other guys first!" He vents, not making me feel any better.

"Nash.... I need to go." I say choked up, handing him the subs and start rushing across the street to my car.

He quickly runs after me, almost getting hit by a car but successfully dodges it. He grabs my arm as I attempt to unlock my car door.

"I will not let you leave unless you talk to Cameron first."

"No!" I continue to frantically cry. "Don't you see leaving AGAIN is already hard enough??!!!"

"Brittany, we can call the cops and report Chad. In the mean time, Cameron and I will protect you."

"But Nash, we have to go back to LA sometime! That's where we'll be the most unsafe! He'll get me there!" I sit down in my car and get ready to put the key in the ignition.

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the car. "I said I won't let you. You can't do that to Cameron."

I think about it for a couple seconds as he glares into my eyes. I make up my mind by whipping my hand away from his grasp and get back in my car with tears falling down my cheeks rapidly. I slam the door and start the car. He stands back and I drive off. Me a crying wreck and him shocked. As I leave the parking lot, I watch Nash run back inside the hotel, probably to go tell Cameron. Good. So someone will know when to tell the police about my possible murder. I'm so scared.

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