Chapter 16- Happy, New Beginnings

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COMMENT RIGHT NOW! Tell me if you're okay with the story getting a little over PG13! Cause I read a book last night that made me want to make this book a little more sexual and more mature words. This chapter will give you a sample on what I mean. So comment right now!


Cameron stares at Brittany a little pissed off as she stands there in desperation.

Brittany: Cameron, I said I'm sorry, I said it many times, I mean it! I do! Why can't you see that?!

Cameron: because I never know if you love me 100% or not! You even admitted to also love one of my best friends right in front of my face! How do I know that you're not going to just pick up one day and leave me for him?

Brittany: Cameron... I honestly don't know, but I would love if you would try to trust me because I love you. I love you more than anyone on this planet.

Cameron gazes at her sympathetic, teary eyes and tries to think about it. He sighs and walks away towards Madison confused.

Brittany: *yells* so what? You're just going to give up on me anyway?!

Cameron: *turns around and faces her* I'm not the type of person to be stupid and make the same mistake multiple times but I can't ignore my heart telling me... I love you too much to walk away.

Brittany immediately smiles and jumps up into his arms and wraps her legs around his waist.

Brittany: I love you and I wouldn't even think for a second about hurting you. *she whispers into his ear*

Cameron kisses her cheek, puts her down, and immediately links hands with her as they begin walking to Bryant and Madison still over by the photo shoot equipment.

Cameron: sorry Bryant, but I'm going to have to postpone the photo shoot. Sorry to you too Madison.

Madison: *rolls her eyes* whatever but next time I better get that kiss. *she giggles spitefully*

Cameron: Well by the looks of it, I don't think you will.

Bryant: *nudges into the conversation* yeah, you won't because I won't need you for the photo shoot.

Madison: What?! Why?!!

Bryant: because I can just use Brittany. Her and Cameron have so much more chemistry than you two ever would have.

Madison: Ugh!!! *says as her mouth drops* whatever. Have fun with that skank! *she says as she tries to walk away sassy*

Brittany attempts to catch up to her with rage and the urge to fight, but is held back by Cameron.

Cameron: Let her go. You're worth so much more than her.

Brittany smiles up at him and hugs him as he invites her into his arms.


I missed this so incredibly much. No one gives as good hugs as him. No one can replace Cam in any way. Absolutely no one.



This always feels right. Holding her in my arms makes me feel loved. It just feels right. But then again, I've already been fooled twice. But I feel like I should trust her. I just have to be careful. We should just start over.

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