Chapter 25- Chasing My Love For You

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As I drive down the street, leaving Bryant's apartment, I see a familiar face on the side of the road... it's Brittany! I roll down the window and she takes off running!

"What the hell Brittany?!!!" I yell out the window.

I quickly get out of the car and chase after her. I don't know who she thinks I was. I'm a dude, of course I catch up to her. I finally grab her arm not too hard, so she can't hold that against me yet.

"Let go! Let go of me, Cameron!" she screams. I hope that no one will call the cops thinking I was hurting her.

"Why would you run away from your own boyfriend?!" I say trying to talk some logic into her and calm her down.

"Because... I don't know! I'm so confused right now, Cam."

I could tell she was getting very frustrated and stressed. I felt bad and guilty that I'm the cause of this. It wasn't fair to her. She was always trying to be better and I had to mess it up.

"Can we please talk? Calmly?" I say quietly

She nods her head and I walk her to my car and we both get in and sit on the side of the road.


It was so hard not to keep running. I didn't want to deal with this shit today. I just wanted to get to Carter and Matt's and fall asleep.

I sit in Cam's car and wait for him to get in the driver's side and shut the door. When he does, I try not to look at him. Just looking at him makes me want to kiss him. But I know that's just a trap my mind has set so I can most likely take another fall.

"Why didn't you text or call me back this morning?" he says frustratedly to me. Why the heck is he frustrated? He's the one who messed it all up!

"Because I had to go back to school and I promised myself this morning that I wouldn't get caught up in any more drama that involved you today."

He tilts my head up to look at him. " What you can't look at me now?" He chuckles trying to ease the mood.

I immediately look back down.

"Would you look at me babe?"

"If I do, I...." I try not to show that I'm crying, but I can't finish my sentence.

"You what?"

"I'd want to kiss you." I look up at him, showing my small tears running down my cheeks. His eyes were sparkling, his hair perfect as always. He looked so charming and dreamy.

"Then do it." He says softly leaning in slowly looking down at my lip and back to my eyes.

I continue to copy his actions and lean in. Then some sense knocks into me. I open the car door and walk quickly down the street with my head down and crying like a baby. I was pathetic but this was really hard. This is the second time I had to walk away from the love of my life. Or so I think he is.

I get to the corner of the street and don't see Cam chasing me, I just see a new text from him.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. I get it, we're done I guess."

"Yeah we are" I text back and ball my eyes out as I it says "read".


Short and sad chapter /: sorry. But things will begin to get more and more interesting. I promise!

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