Chapter 36- First Job

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Brittany and I arrive at the boarkwalk, accompinied by the beach. Am I upset that we don't get to do our "date" or whatever it was? Of course. But as long as I'm with Brittany, I'll always be happy.

We get out of the car and walk out onto the boardwalk. The place was dead. I don't know why but it was good because we need a not very active place in order to get any work done. Brittany grabs my hand as we walk along. It startles me but makes me smile. She looks up at me with a smile also.

"Cameron!" I hear Jack G yell. I couldn't see him, I just heard his voice.

I look all around at my surroundings and finally see him waving his arm in the air at us. They're security guards? We never have them. We finally reach the guys in a section of the boardwalk where there's just a sitting area with the beautiful beach as a background. I bro hug Bryant. Brittany just hugs him.

"Hey man! Wondering if you were gonna get here on time!" Bryant said to me.

"Nah. We just both didn't even know this was happening!" I laugh motioning to Brittany.

"The photographer doesn't even know when she has work? Shame on you!" He teases her causing her to giggle.

"Sorry! I was so excited to get the email that I got this job that I didn't bother to continue reading!" She defends.

"It's okay. Now, you guys get ready, Brittany, let me show you what to do."


I walk over, away from the guys with Bryant. He bends down into his equipment and grabs his professional camera.

"Oh by the way, I don't have a camera...." I say embarrassed. I didn't have enough money to buy one yet. I felt so unprofessional for admitting it.

"That's fine! Just try to get one as soon as possible."

"Okay." I'm glad he understood.

"So here, you can use my old one for now. There's nothing wrong with it, I just found this new one that I had to have," He laughs handing me the white, big, professional digital camera. It looked seriously expensive!

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, working with guys, you have to keep getting their attention a lot because they get side tracked a lot!" He laughs.

"Getting Cam's attention will be a breeze!" I joke.

"You got that down for sure." He jokes back. "Now, you can ask them to do whatever postion you want, you can also just ask them to be them. Just do whatever they want. I get a lot of action and just good shots in general asking them to do that."

"Sounds good."

"If you need any more assitance, I'll be standing back here. Don't hesitate to ask for help."

"Okay. Thank you so much!"

I was so greatful for the opportunity. I couldn't wait to start. And I love how since I was a fan, I know what shots I always wanted to get. And I know what other fans want.... Which are nudes but I don't see that happening! Haha

"Okay guys! Jack and Jack sit on those two rocks and.... Um... Okay I can't do this!" I embarrassingly laugh.

"What can't you do?" Cameron asks me.

"I can't pose all 6 of you! I only feel comfortable with one."

Cameron walks up to me and guides me away from everyone to apparently talk to me privately.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just a little overwhelming. It's not that I'm ungrateful or anything! I just would feel more comfortable being only the event and personal photographer." I say honestly.

"Okay, I get it. Maybe we can talk to Nash's dad. He's our manager, if you didn't know."

"Yeah, I do. Sorry."

"It's completely fine!" He smiles comfortingly and hugs me. I hug back and smile at the feeling it gives me.

He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I at first rejected it but then seen how upset he was that I did. So I let him. He smiles after and walks away back to the guys. I watch his ass as he walks away... It makes me naturally bite my lip remembering the amazing sex we had. God I miss that!..... Off topic!

I walk over to Bryant on his laptop and work up the guts to tell him what I told Cam. When I do, he just nods a little frustrated.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It's just that Jack Gilinsky and Cameron are the only ones who don't have a photographer yet. Jack Johnson isn't doing personal photoshoots and Nash and Hayes' dad asked me to personally be his son's photographer. It was my job to find Jack and Cam one. So I think I just found her." He smiles.

I almost scream at the excitement that he's going to recommend me for one of the most amazing opportunities! Plus I love Jack and Cam! They're awesome.... And not to mention the sexiest! 😏

"So you might want to get on the phone right away with Chad!" He says. I become startled at the name.

"Chad? How do you know him?!!"

"What are you talking about? Chad Grier. Nash and Hayes' dad."


"Who's Chad, Brittany?" Cameron says coming up behind me.

Shit... He can't find out. Cameron's the crazy jealous type.

"Don't worry about it."

He looks unsettled about the topic but I walk away and pull out my phone. I dial the phone number Bryant gave me which was Chad Grier's. Bryant goes the other way and starts the photoshoot with the guys.


"Hello? Is this Chad Grier?"

"Yeeeessss??? And who's this?"

"This is Brittany Karper, I'm..."

"... I know who you are!" He laughs as he interrupted me. "So how's the photo shoot going?!"

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I honestly don't feel that comfortable doing the group photo shoots so I was wondering if I could be the event photographer as planned, and Bryant said he wanted to recommend me to be Cameron and Jack Gilinsky's personal photographer. So Bryant will do Nash and Hayes' personal shoots and the group shoots."

The line gets quiet and start to become worried and anxious inside.

"That shouldn't be a problem. Is that all then?!"

"Actually I was also curious, how much does this job pay?"

"$50 an hour."

My mouth drops to the floor.

"WHAT?!" I try not to scream in his ear but that doesn't work out too well...

He laughs. "Yes! Goodbye Brittany."



I hang up and jump and down in excitement! That's so much money! I'll be able to afford whatever I need in no time! This is just what I need! A turning point in my life... And thank God this one is positive!

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