Chapter 45- Because I Love You

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I think we need a little more happiness in this story ;) Enjoy :) COMMENT!!!!!



"Brittany..... I.... I think you should come on tour with us."

I sit up and all of my tears have stopped. This was so random it's crazy. Why would he tell me this while I'm balling my eyes out? More importantly, why would I go? I'm not a viner.

"I didn't know you guys were even going in tour."

He starts wiping my tears out of my eyes and smiles as he looks at me beginning to cheer up. "Yeah for a month and half across the untied states. Then the last stop is in the UK. Nash's dad told me that I can't bring you but I don't care. You clearly need me and plus the deal is that it's either you go or I don't go at all."

"Cam, I can't let you do that. And second of all, why would you tell me as I'm balling my eyes out about losing my dad?"

"Well I am doing it no matter what. And I told you now because I can't take one more moment without telling you. And I was just reassuring you that I'm never gonna leave you. No matter what." He smiled charmingly at me.

"But I'm not a viner."

"So? My fans and a couple others are requesting your appearance."

"Really? But they hate me."

"No more of them are starting to like the idea of us together. They always tweet me questions about you, they make vine edits of us, and they ask me to post pictures of us together all the time." He smiles.

That right there cheered me up even a little more. I was going to stop getting all this hate. Finally.

"All right. I guess I have no choice." I attempt to smile but still am very weak since I never got to sleep yet.

"Plus, I can't survive a month and a half without you." He chuckles.

I look up at him and he had bags under his eyes. He looks like he was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" He tries to play off.

"You were crying..."



"Nothing. It's stupid."

"No it's not. Tell me." I demand.

"Well... I was crying because I can't stand to see you like this. I was feeling so awful that I'm not able to help fix anything in any way. I want my happy, cute, Brittany back. I don't like to see you like this. It hurts. I cry when you cry. I smile when you smile. I'm mad when you're mad. I laugh when you laugh. We're in this together.... we're in everything together because I love you."

The recognizable feeling of tears begins forming in my eyes. I made a straight face at him as I took in every word he said.

"Babe, why are you crying now?!" He tries to sound annoyed but I knew he wasn't.

I said nothing and lunged myself onto him and naturally wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I knew that was the only thing that felt right in this moment. His lips move in sync with mine and he shoves his tongue in my mouth and doesn't go any further but kisses me. Which I appreciate. Surprisingly, I was in no mood for sex right now. Obviously... I'm probably the first girl in history that is okay with just kissing him while I'm in his bed, and he's shirtless. (Lol) He let's go and pecks my lips once more and slides him and I down in his bed and covers us up with his blanket. It was so warm. The blanket, and Cam's warm, comforting body together is the best sleeping bag in the world. I could stay here for days.

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