Chapter 73- He Won't

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It's my birthday 😋


"NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I find two bodies on the floor that seemed to hit the ground nearly at the same time.

At this point the room was silent and I was nothing but confused and panicked. I look closer at the first person on the floor. Chad. A gun laying a foot away from his body. I seen no blood till I looked on the other side of him. Blood appearing in the dead center of his stomach. The next body was what I screamed for. What made me jump out of the closet with a burst of quick happiness and hope. Cameron. I bend down on the floor next to his head, shaking uncontrollably, soon followed by the intense feeling of tears coming on. Without hesitation, I let them flow.

"Cameron?" I say weakly, barely making anything out. "Cam? Cameron!" There was no way of controlling my tears now.

I didn't know what else to do. I was now only acting out of hope. I reach for the house phone on the end table above my head, holding Cameron's limp hand in mine as I continued to shiver and cry. Soon, I was talking to 911.

"Hello? My name is Brittany Karper, I'm currently being held hostage by my ex boyfriend and so I don't know exactly where I am. My boyfriend and the ex boyfriend are both here on the floor unconscious. My ex is bleeding in the stomach, and my boyfriend is just not moving or speaking! Please help!" I scream into the phone, not letting the person on the other line find anywhere to talk.

"We are sending an ambulance now. We will track your location so please stay where you are and wait ma'am. They will be there shortly. Just stay calm and they will be there before you know it." I finally let them respond.

"Thank you" I continue to cry, managing to catch my breath for that quick second, to have just enough time to respond.

I hang up the phone and lean down on top of Cameron, who was laying face down, his head facing the wall. I was scared to touch him. But at the same time, I wanted to do nothing more than hold him.

"I can't lose you." I barely whisper out.

* * *

I hold my head in my hands, staring down at the floor watching my tears falls from my floor and soon develop a tiny puddle of tears on the white floor.

I feel a light hand rest on my back and already know that it's Matt. Then I feel someone hug me. Selena. I didn't budge either way. I felt like I couldn't breathe, talk, let alone move.

"It'll be all right." Matt says in a calm tone.

I sniff but as I said, can't for the life of me get any words out. I feel like everything about me has come to a stop.

"Brittany." Nash tries to get my attention but I don't move from staring at the floor. "Britt..."

I finally look up slightly and see a pair of shoes standing in front of me. I follow the shoes up to the face. A doctor. I lift my whole body completely up as another tear silently escapes from my eye.

"Are you Brittany Karper?" The doctor asks, while reading off his clipboard.


"Come with me." He says in a monotone voice so I couldn't tell if I was about to receive good or bad news.

No matter what, I was still scared.

I stand up out of my chair, my whole body shaking.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jack G asks me.

I nod my head slowly and he quickly joins my side to wrap his arm around my waist, guiding me to follow the doctor.

As we walk, my mind is blank, until I come to think of the possibilities of news I might be getting.

What if it's good news?

What if Cam's waking up?

What if Chad is dead for good?

What if Cam won't be the same mentally anymore?

What if.... Cameron's dead....

I break down at the last thought and turn my face into Jack's chest and cry. I just cry and cry and cry. I feel Jack caress my cheek, getting my attention to look up at him.

He was looking down at me giving me a smile but I knew he was hurting too. I need to be strong.

"Be strong for Cameron." Jack says as if he was reading my mind, in a hush tone, feeling the vibration of his deep voice against my cheek since it was still up against his chest.

I nod my head and we continue walking. Now, Jack holding me close. All I wanted was him to be Cam. I just want him to be holding me tight in his arms, as we cuddle under a blanket in that New York hotel. If I wouldn't have been a dumb ass that's probably what I'd be doing right now.

We finally reach a door and the doctor steps aside as he holds the door for me to walk in. The doctor hasn't said a word to me since the waiting room. Jack looks at me and let's go of me so I could walk into the room alone.

"Wait for me outside of the door." I request from Gilinsky.

He nods my head and I step inside, the door shutting behind me. I walk over, feeling like I can't breathe again as I peek around the corner of the curtain, revealing a bed. It was empty?

I turn around cautiously to see another bed holding Cameron! I rush over to him and hug him. I kiss him passionately as I close my eyes and cry of joy, but he wasn't kissing back. I lean back up and stare at him weirdly. His eyes were closed, face relaxed, laying on his back.

"Cam?" I continued to cry. By now, I'm sure all of my make up has ran off my face.

I crawl carefully onto the bed and lay my head on his arm and wrap my arm around his body, pulling myself tightly close to him crying into the blanket that was covering him.

The heart monitor was going off still as a heart beat but that added to my current pain. It was mocking me. It was a tease. His heart beats, but he won't open his eyes. He won't smile. He won't laugh. He won't cry. He won't kiss me. He won't hug me. He won't be Cameron. That's what teased me. Someone that you love is there but they aren't... there...

I'm sorry if the end of the chapter was too dramatic. I'm just addicted to drama!

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