Chapter 72- Losses

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Wow... I'm a horrible writer. This chapter sucks. And it's short. I'll get my game back next chapter... Promise! Lol



Ever since I talked to Natalie, I headed out to search for my Brittany. At this point, I haven't took a second to stop crying. It's the worst feeling in the world to think that I don't know if the one I love most in this world either dead or alive.

Before I left the loft, Natalie suggested 2 possible places where he could've take her. I headed to the first place which was airport but they weren't there. I was there searching for about 3 hours before giving up. The next stop was Chad's city apartment that he has and only Natalie knew about it. As I pull up to the curb in front of the tall skyscraper of apartments and park my car, quickly jumping out and bolting to the door.

Workers at the front desk didn't even stop me as I rushed to the elevator. I clicked the button for the 14th floor and it made it's way up.


My vision begins to come back. I couldn't hear anything but a ringing in my ears. I was scared that I was now deaf but that was the least of my worries. The only thing I can see is that I'm on the floor, blood coming out of my nose and scratches surrounding my face. My whole body ached. I attempt to sit up but it was no use as I attempted numerous times to move, but that just wasn't happening as I winced at the pain, every move I made. But none of that pain could compare to the pain I was feeling in my woman area. He must've raped me or something, but I can't remember any of that.

Why wasn't I dead yet? That thought kept appearing in my head.

All I could see was darkness besides a small slit of light. I was probably in a closet but I still didn't know where I was exactly. I'm terrified to the point I'm shaking, and soon crying. I just need Cameron. I should've never left. I'm such an ass. I could've easily got Chad off my back, but no. I push away the obvious and take the hard route.

My hearing soon starts to come back as the ringing begins to fade. Thank God... The first thing I hear is screaming and shouting. The first voice is Chad but I couldn't make out the second. I push the door open slightly, tightening my muscles as a reaction to the pain by just moving my fingers. I peek out and see a pair of familiar vans. That can only mean one thing. And for that moment, happiness over took my body, making me ignore all my pain. I stand up and push the door open, bolting out.




Cliff hangers tho...

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