Chapter 19- Dealing With the Haters

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Brittany opens her eyes slowly to see sexy Cameron sleeping right next to her. She admires his perfection as she slowly brushes the loose strands of hair out of his face.


What on Earth is wrong with me?! I have this boy who truly and honestly loves me and yet, I still attempt to cheat on him without even realizing it at first. It's weird though. I love Cameron, but when Matt touches me, I feel turned on. Maybe it's just a sexual attraction. But with Cameron, it's an attraction to everything about him. He's the most sweetest, funniest, down-to-earth guy I have ever met who is also the hottest and sexiest. Then with Matt, his personality is only sweet when it comes to friendship. But as soon as you get that boy into a romantic state of mind with you, he totally changes who he is. And it sucks, because he's so damn hot. Whatever. As long as Cameron never finds out what me and Matt almost did, everything will be fine. I don't have feelings for Matt. I think....


Cameron: Morning my sexy princess. *he smiles with his eyes still shut*

Brittany: *kisses the tip of his nose lightly and smiles* morning

Cameron: *opens one eye and grins* that was a tease....

Brittany kisses his lips and waits for his approval.

Cameron: that's not what I meant *he laughs dirty*

She laughs which triggers for Cameron to wrap his arms around her and forcefully pull her on top of him and kisses her passionately.

Brittany: Already? *she giggles*

Cameron: I needed to make sure that last night was really you. It was amazing. Did you enjoy it? *he smirks looking up at her on top of his chest*

Brittany: Babe, we need to do it again soon. *she laughs*

Cameron: Round two? *he smiles dirty and attempts to make out with her again* ........ Now!

She doesn't refuse and laughs as he rolls on top of her, them both still conveniently nude, forcing his tongue into her mouth. As the kiss becomes more and more intense by the second, Cameron moves his lips to her neck causing her to let out quiet moans that encourage him to continue. Brittany grabs onto his back as he sneakily enters her not stopping the make out sesh he's having with her neck resulting in another hickey. All of the sudden just as soon as he begins pumping into her where moans fly out of their mouths, someone shout. Brittany and Cameron stop and look at each other knowing it was neither of them. Cameron looks over his shoulder, with the blankets covering them, and sees Nash shielding his eyes about to run down the stairs.

Cameron: YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME NASH???!!!! *he yells through the hotel room*

No one says anything as Brittany and Cameron scramble to find their clothes that we're thrown on the floor all around the loft room last night. Cameron gets his underwear and pants on and frustratedly storms down the steps. Brittany soon follows.

Cameron: *stops Nash from walking out the front door.* DUDE! What the hell? Why are you here?!

Nash: I was trying to see if Brittany was okay after what happened last night!

Brittany: *says coming down the stairs* I'm fine! *she says as she crosses her arms embarrassed at what just happened*

Nash: I can see that! *he laughs*

Cameron: *punches him in the chest* dude! Seriously? How did you even get in here?

Brittany: Yeah? And how did you know I was here?

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