Chapter 80- We Have Arrived

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***2 Months Later***


I just woke up in my bed alone. Shawn and I stayed the night at this hotel we booked for the wedding... which was today. Shawn and I decided to have the wedding in Italy. Everyone I love is coming today and I'm so excited. I'm about to marry the love of my life and to think this all started because I was a fan.

I think about that a lot. Like, I go from one day being a fan, never being noticed by any of the guys on Twitter, and all of the sudden one day, my best friend gets a tweet from her fav and introduces me to my fav. I only thought it was a teenage crush kind of thing but never would've thought it would turn into something like this crazy love. I love him more than anyone on the planet, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same about me.

I get out of bed and walk over to the balcony that over looks the whole city of Italy. It was beautiful that it was tear jerking. A smile creeps on my face that was a smile that I was sure wouldn't leave my face the whole day.

I stand there in a daze in my white lingerie night gown Shawn bought me and just listen to the peaceful sounds of nothing. The sun was just rising and most of the city was still asleep. I take in the amazing feeling of the warm, beating sun on my bare skin and just stand there with my eyes closed. Nothing could ruin this day.


"Cam!" I alarmingly shout as I shake Cameron's arm to wake up.

"What?" He moans and peeks his eyes open.

"We're landing in 5 minutes!" I excitedly hop in my seat making him laugh.

I take out my phone and text Selena that we're landing but get no response. I didn't mind, as long as she spending her morning with her soon to be husband!

"Babe." Cameron taps me and look his direction to see him holding out his phone on snapchat waiting to take a selfie.

I give a ridiculous smile and Cameron makes a duck face, and adds the caption. "Italy, here we come!"

"Wait, we need one for my account!"

I open snapchat and hold the phone up and start making a snap chat video.

"We're in Italy!!! Anything to say Cameron?" I playful laugh pretending to hold a microphone in front of his mouth for him to speak.

He grabs my hand in front of his face and speaks in the most white girl voice ever.

"Well, we're gonna get some Starbucks as soon as land and then go sit by the pool gettin' our tan on watchin' the hot babes!" He adds a annoying white girl laugh at the end and I crack up while pressing 'add to story'.

As I continue laughing I lay my head on Cameron's shoulder looking out the window with him at the gorgeous sight of Italy. I was so glad to be traveling the world, let a lone, with Cameron.

"Babe, when we land what do you want to do first?" Cam asks me.

"I was thinking we could just take a walk, explore after we settle everything at the hotel."

"Sounds good." He smiles and pecks a kiss on my lips.

* * *

The plane lands and Cam and I are walking out of the air port now, holding hands.

The immediate second that I felt the warm sun touch my skin, I felt a instant rush of happiness. I've always wanted to go to Italy and I finally am here.

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