Chapter 71- Searching

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"BRITTANY? Britt?! Babe?!" I whisper/yell into the slit in the window, Selena grabbing a hold of my arm, shaking.

"No... it's Natalie... who's there?" A weak whisper says back. (remember, Natalie is the girl that just broke up with Nash.)

Soon the window is opened just a little more, enough to see the girl's face.

"NATALIE?!" I continue to whisper, still frustrated that she wasn't Brittany. "What are you doing here? Why are you down here?!"

"Cameron....? Long... story, just please hurry.... and get me... out of here." She starts to cry in destress, shaking.

"Stand back."

Selena has been speechless ever since we discovered it wasn't Brittany, and I couldn't begin to tell you how frustrated and confused I am. None of this is making sense. My nerves are on edge and I just pray to God, Chad doesn't catch us, or this isn't some sort of trap.

I watch as she backs away from the window and I stand a couple paces back before running and slamming my foot into the small, ground-level, basement window, shattering the glass.

I connect my eyes to what I have done and look around in this basement. Natalie was standing against the back wall, still crying and shaking. The basement had no cement ground. It was a open dirt floor that had weeds growing out of it. The walls were made out of dirty, jagged cement that would surely hurt if you were to slam against it or anything like that. The only thing down there was a old, creepy-lookin, rusted radiator that had a broken rope attatched to it. The whole setting looked like it could've been in a horror movie. How is it a beach house, that, I don't know. (Picture above of what the basement looked like but picture a little dirtier.)

I grab Natalie's one arm and Selena grabs the other. We pull her with all our might and she slides out the window, yelping in pain as her shirt is lifted up against the wall, causing her bare skin to scrape against the jagged wall, soon causing blood to appear all over her stomach. When she was out and laying on the sand, I could see that she was pretty beat up. Almost every inch of her skin was bruised black and blue. What the hell happened to this girl?!

"We have to go... now!" Natalie says trembeling in fear as she gets up to run towards our parked car.

Selena and I run after her, all of us on edge. We reach the car and I get in the passanger side, Selena in the driver's seat, and Natalie in the back, already curled up in a ball, hugging her legs to her chest, shaking.

"Please just drive." She manages to barely get out, in between her weak, lifeless cries.

I nod at Selena and she takes off. As she drives, I turn around in my seat and watch as Natalie continues to shake and shiver, spacing out. I really want to know what we're up against here, because this girl is completely terrorized out of her mind.

I unbuckle my seat belt, after telling Selena to drive back to the house, and climb in the back seat with Natalie. I knew she needed someone. Anyone who could let her know that it was okay. As I sit in the seat next to the window, I gently grab her hands, causing them to release her grip on her legs. I then calmly, wrap my arm around her, guiding her to sit closer to me, in between my legs. She does as I want, uneasy, but cooperates, and ends up relaxing her head on my chest as I hold her in an embrace. Her shakes and whimpers cause me to feel symathy for her, but soon she calms down.

"Now, are you ready to tell me what's up? What happened?" I try to say soothingly but it ends up coming out pushy because I was just trying to figure out where my princess is.

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