Chapter 49- Confrontation

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I couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I can't do anything but either cry or shake. I can't breathe properly. I can't even function properly, let alone be able to comprehend what happened tonight. Ever since I slammed the door on Nash and Cameron, Cam has been passed out in the hallway in front of my door, while Nash, I guess went to bed. I creek the door open once and a while to check on him. Make sure he's still okay. This was horrible. I vowed to myself that I would never date anyone who did drugs. Never. Not for any circumstances. Even if that person is the most amazing, down-to-Earth person I've ever met. I can't even tempt myself with that. I did weed once and got pretty high off that one time. I did it because my boyfriend convinced me to. Afterwards, he was so high he almost shot and killed me right there in his house because he wasn't thinking straight. I immediately ran out of that house and ended up not knowing where I was in the morning when the high died off.

. . .

It was now morning and I have only got 2 hours of sleep. I thought I would be naturally tired but I wasn't at all. I was too scared to be sleepy. I spent the night sitting next to Cameron's passed out body on the floor the whole night. Just watching him breathe heavily, sweating, and moaning in his "sleep". It was kind of scary. He finally started to wake up and I prepared myself for a fight.

He looked up at me sitting against the wall, holding my legs to my chest, looking terrified and pissed.

"Hey babe." He smiles and tried to kiss me. He probably has no clue what happened, so I immediately backed away from him.

"Don't touch me."

He sits up looking more confused than ever and holds his head. I hope it hurt. He deserves the worst after effects right now.

"What? What are you talking about? Are you okay?" He tries reaching over to hug me.

"Cameron, DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell with tears starting to fall slowly down my face.


I stand up and back into the corner.

"What's wrong?!"

"You don't know what happened last night do you?!" I scream at him. I'm pretty sure it woke up everyone in the house. If it didn't, I'd be surprised.


I roll my eyes and rush into my room and slam the door in his face once again and locked it. I collapsed on my bed and cried into my pillow as I hear him asking me to open the door.

"No! Go away, Cameron! Maybe you want to go for round two with Nash! Have fun ruining your life!"

I yell a through the door from my bed, not being able to stop crying.


Round two with Nash? Have fun ruining your life? What the heck is she talking abo..... oh.......

I take a deep breath and reach for the spare key to her door above the door frame ledge, that no one in the house knows about. There's keys to unlock every door in the house on the top ledge of the door frames. Except mine.

I unlock her door and walk in slowly and see her crying on her bed. She raises her head and is surprised I got in. I shut the door and she immediately backs off of her bed and tries to stay as far away from me as possible. I couldn't believe she was freaking out this much about this. She's not even giving me a chance to explain.

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