Chapter 59- Never Giving Up

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We were now on our way to this huge mall. Me, Matt, Carter, Aaron, Cameron, Nash, and Taylor. The Jack's, Selena, Shawn, Mahogany, and Bart stayed behind.

After a 15 minute drive of gazing out the car window and blasting music through my headphones, we finally arrived. I was kinda upset that Selena didn't come because now I can't go girl shopping.

We came into the mall and looked up and were immediately overwhelmed. 5 stories high, a fountain surrounding the base of the elevators and escalators. The food court covered the whole ground level, and all the shops were scattered throughout the 4 stories. It was amazing.

"Okay, should we split up or stick in groups?" Carter asks us all breaking us out of our amazement at the sight of this place.

"How about we go in small groups?" I suggest.

"Sounds good, Brittany come along with Nash, Aaron and I." Cameron tried to suggest.

"No. I'm going with Matt, Taylor, and Carter." I snap.

Cameron doesn't say anything he just looks down at his feet, sad.

"Okay, let's meet back here at 5:30 so we can get something to eat all together then we can go back to the hotel." I state, taking charge.

"Sounds like a plan. Come on Brittany." Matt says and he bends down trying to offer me a piggy back ride.

I accepted and jumped onto his back.

"Damn girl! You're a feather!" He says and starts walking over to the elevator with me and Carter follows behind.

We get onto the elevator and Matt won't let me down, causing me to laugh. The doors open and we head to the first store. Spencer's. Not really what I prefer but Carter really loved that store. Matt lets me down before we go into the store.

As we go deeper and deeper into the store we get into the really dirty and naughty items. Some of the things made me fantasize, I can't lie, but others made me really grossed out. As I looked up and down at the walls upon walls of these items, two teenage boys around my age, kept staring at me and my ass.

"What the fuck are you staring at?!" Carter yells at the guys. He must've noticed.

As soon as he said that, the boys walked to the other side of the store in embarrassment.

"Thanks Carter" I smile at him, causing him to smile back.

I love how protective the guys are of me and just how we all have eachothers backs no matter what.

We finish up in the store and I even managed to walk out of there with a bag full of stuff. Matt bought 3 bags full of dance lights and effects like strobe lights, a legit disco ball, laser lights, lava lamps, and a couple black lights.

"What's that for?" I laugh at him as we walk out of the store.

"We're going the have a sick party when we get back to LA." He responds which causes excitement to overwhelm me. If we had all the things going on, that was in his bag at a party, it would be a blast!

"What did you buy, Britt?" Aaron asks.

"a hat, and other items you don't need to know about." I laugh, causing everyone to smirk. "It's not what you're thinking!"

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