Chapter 33- Understanding

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I open my eyes and feel Brittany and I still in the same position we were in last night. We haven't moved the whole night. Now what I have to figure out is, why is she doing this with me, not Matt? And how does she plan on this being only a friendship? I love her too much to pass up another opportunity to get her back as my girlfriend... My princess.

She starts to wake up and doesn't say anything but gets out of the bed and stretches. She walks down my stairs like nothing is wrong or different. I get up so confused it's insane, and chase after her.

"Wait, please help me understand everything right now..."

"What do you mean? I told you last night."

"Britt, you can't just let me believe that you still just want to be friends but still sleep in the same bed and act like a couple by kissing me when I'm asleep."

"You noticed?" She says referring to the kiss.

"Of course I did!"

She grabs my wrist and pulls me into her room and shuts the door behind us.

"Now look, this is really confusing to me too. What I basically want is someone that makes me feel safe and comforted and to be completely honest, you're literally the only person in the world that makes me feel that way. But I don't want to kiss, make out, have sex and things like that."

My mouth dropped. I was shocked that she thinks that it's that easy!

"Brittany, I can't be JUST your friend and do those things with you. That would be way too hard. And then why did you kiss me?! It also would be so incredibly hard for me to not kiss you and do other things." I try to laugh and hint.

"I kissed you because I was tempted to. I don't know. And I know, but I rather have this as a friendship only and not do anymore damage."

I don't say anything to that because she was right.

"But what about Matt? This would positively not be alright for him! Why can't you do these things with your actual boyfriend?!"

"We broke up. Just leave it at that."

"I can't even ask why?" I ask trying to think of every possibility.

"Please don't."

She begins to stand up and walk out of the room. Right before she leaves, I stop her.

"Can you please just answer one more question for me?"


"Do you think we'll ever get back together?"

I prepared myself for the answer. Good or bad it's going to make my heart race.

"I honestly don't know. But as of right now, I'm not going to date anyone or even pay attention to any of you romantically."

I leave it at that and eventually follow her out of her room.


Is this wrong, what I'm doing? I feel like it could be taken either way. I don't want toy with his emotions or anything. I just really miss him as a person. This probably doesn't make any sense to anyone but me.

I climb down the stairs as he follows. We get down to the kitchen and everyone is either watching TV or eating the scrambled eggs Nash was making. To be honest, the whole room stank because of them. Haha I ain't touching them!

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