Chapter 55- A Thousand Years

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I wake up to my alarm on my phone going off. 7:00 am... Ugh! I don't want to get up but I have to, so I have time to shower, get dressed, eat, then go to rehearsals. I force myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. I take a 10 minute shower and come back out with a towel wrapped around my wet, naked body. I find clothes and put them on. It was the perfect outfit to meet fans in. A maroon button-up shirt that had cut-off sleeves, with regular denim jeans and my converse. You know the original styled converse. Just the black and white. I went back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair. While it was drying a little more after being blow dried,it returned to my normal style which I hated. If you remember from a while ago, I let you know, my hair is absolutely nothing but curls. And I have to straighten it to death every time I get out of the shower and it dries because it returns to its ugly self. It's not that I hate people with curly hair in general, I just hate it on me. That's why I have to straighten it everyday faithfully. It sucks. Oh, I'm just rambling now. I guess you didn't have to hear about my history with my hair! Haha

Anyways! I straightened my hair and used my hair chalk to make one strand black, that rested on the side of my head of hair. I thought it looked pretty cool. I put on mascara, eyeliner, and navy blue eye shadow, since that was the only color that suited me. And lastly used cover up to cover my small break outs.

When I finish getting all dressed and dolled up, I grab my baby blue colored, guitar in it's case, and throw it over my shoulder, then grab my phone off the bed and head out of the hotel room. In the hallway, the sound of the elevator dinging, draws my attention to look over in it's direction. When the elevator doors open, there stands Nash, Jack & Jack, and Bart. They all look pretty tired but they manage to give me a small smile as they walked past me without saying a word into their rooms. I understood. They were too tired to talk, but at least I think that we're all okay now. I turn my attention back to walking to the elevator to head down to the room where Magcon is being held, so I can rehearse. I wonder if Shawn and Selena are already down there.

I step in the elevator and press the "down" button. Right before the doors fully shut, I see a hand push the doors back open. It was Cameron? He steps in the elevator with me and presses the "close doors" button.

"What are you doing here? And why are you up so early?"

"I can't sleep so I may as well go down and go eat breakfast with you. Why do you have you're guitar with you?" he asks cluelessly.

"Uhhh... I'm going to rehearse my songs for today with Selena and Shawn."

"Oh... can I come?"

"I prefer you not to."


"Um, because I don't want you to...?" I answer dramatically because he's acting like we're best buds now or something.

"Whatever. I guess I'll just have to wait for the show today." He gives me a cute pouty face, but I don't give in.

"Stop." I naturally give a faint giggle and walk out of the elevator once the doors open.

I walk off to the right towards the big meeting room where the stage should be set up and everything, but what do you know, Cameron is still following me like a little lost puppy!

"What do you want?!" I sharply turn around and freeze him in his spot.

"I just was heading to the breakfast buffet! Geez!"

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