Chapter 56- My First Magcon

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I come out of my room and still hear the sobbing from being in the hallway. I follow the sound and end up standing in front of Nash's room.

I knock and Nash opens it. But he had dry eyes. No trace of tears at all.

"What?" He asks me as I stood there silent.

"I heard..." I stop when I hear a sniff come from in the room.

I look at Nash who noticed what I noticed and pointed into the room and stepped aside. I walked in, and Nash stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him. I walk slowly around the corner and see Cameron sitting on the side of his bed staring at his phone. He looks up and tries to clear up his tears, trying not to look like he was crying but I gave him a small smile to let him know it was okay. I sit down next to him and take a glance at his phone screen. It was the picture he took of us smiling side by side in his bed, that one morning.

I let out a big sigh and looked down at the floor.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry." He quietly whispers, weak voiced. "And don't even say you don't love me anymore because I know you might. If you don't, then you never truly loved me, because I have not had a second to get you off my mind. You're literally the only thing on my mind 24/7."

"Cameron... please stop." I start to cry because he was bringing back all the good memories and that's what hurt the most. Having to let go of those memories just like that.

I stand up not being able to look at him without crying more, as we both were crying. He stands up, grabs my hand, twirls me back around to be chest-to-chest with him and kisses me. I immediately push back and break his grip of me and dart out the door. When I get back to my room, I crawl under the covers and continue to cry and hug my pillow. I begin to go into a daze, and stare at where my eyes lead me which happens to be the door at the corner of the room. My eyes meet a blue piece of paper that was slid under the door. I walk over still crying a little and read it.

I have loved you for a thousand years. And I'll love you a thousand more.

...Lyrics from the song I just sang. It was about Cameron and I was hoping he'd know that. I wrote it the first time we broke up as I was dating Matt. I told Matt it was about him but it was obviously about Cameron. The note made me cry even more as I put it in my pocket. I walk over to my guitar in it's case and take this moment as a inspirational moment. I pick up my notepad and a pen, and my guitar and hop on my bed and begin figuring out a melody. After I find the lyrics. By the time I was done, it was noon. Time for us to all go down to the conference room to start Magcon. Jack G yells through my door that it was time to go. I take my guitar and put it back in the case. I swing it over my shoulder once again, grab my phone, put that in my pocket, then head out. I meet everyone in the hallway. I met up with Selena and talked to her. As we talked and talked waiting for the elevator to open up, I took little glances at Cameron once and a while and everytime he was staring at me with a sad face. I don't know how much longer I can take before caving. I can't cheat on Chad.

The elevator opens and we all file in. As the elevator goes down, everyone begins acting all hyper and basically themselves. It cheered me up a little. Even Cameron started to cheer up which made me feel a lot better. The elevator opens and security escorts us backstage. It was a long, narrow hallway that wrapped around the whole conference room. As we made our way around the perimeter, we all hear the screams and chants of what seemed like thousands of girls which was really only around 300. Ha! Only...

We get to the spot where we were coming out of and onto the stage, and wait for Mahogony to introduce us all. Even when she came on the stage, there were some major screaming. I was beyond nervous. My heart was beating a hundred miles per hour and and I was shaking a little. Everyone else though were acting as if this was a simple walk in the park. Even Selena seemed fine. Probably because she was holding Shawn's hand.

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