Chapter 42- Tragedy

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Really short chapter but this is a little wrap up to last chapter. (Wanted to leave you with a cliff hanger last chapter)



When I remembered that I was doing something against the law I didn't even care then. I'm not letting anyone take Cam away. I told him before, I would die for him. Being arrested is no different. And as far as I know, I know he would do the same if the tables were turned.

"Brittany, stop. It's all right!" Cameron yells at me but I wasn't going to stop until they let him go. He's done nothing wrong.

After I see them take my mom away in hand cuffs, I become confused. They also let go of Cameron. When they do, I fall down on my butt as they wip me out of their grip.

"We weren't arresting him." One of the police men say to me and Cam.

"Oh... well why did you arrest my mom though?"

"She's been wanted for 4 months now."

Cameron and I's mouth almost drop. "For what?" Cam asks.

"For murder..." The man answers.

That's when everything clicked... her going out every night and rarely coming home. Her attempts to make us move a couple days after dad left for Afghanistan, and her never letting Selena over. Let alone letting me go anywhere but school.

" dad?" I start to tear up.

The cop just lowers his head and nods. I collapse to my knees. I feel like I was just shot down from being at the top of the world. My dad was the only family I had left and now he's gone. He's been gone and I didn't even know it. I begin to cry so hard I can't breathe. I feel a hand on my back and soon the belonger of that hand crouches down next to me and holds me. Cameron... then another hand then another. I was being group hugged by everyone. Which is my guess. I could hear a couple sniffles that didn't belong to me as they all huddled around me. The only one's recognizable was Cameron and Selena's.

"He never made it to the base camp he was stationed at. We then discovered his body at the air port your mother was supposed to drop him off at. His body was found behind the building, behind the dumpster. I'm so sorry Ms. Karper." The cop leaves us with that and everyone that attended the graduation ceremony left. It was just me and my new family. My Magcon family.

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