Chapter 41- Bitch

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She's finally done it. I'm beyond proud of her. If both of them none the less.

I watch as my beautiful girl sits back down at her seat with Selena. She looks over at one of the bleacher sections with the most scared to death faces I've ever seen on her. I look at where she's looking and see a woman sitting all by herself. She was blonde. Like Brittany's hair. She looked around 43.... Her mom? Shit. That's the last person Brittany's needed to see today. She's probably so scared. Her mom texted her around last week and threatened to call the cops on Brittany for breaking back into the house the one night she kicked her out. She says it was "breaking and entering" but I don't understand how she thinks locking your own child out of her own house is a crime. Especially making sure she has nothing to wear or and belongings left to her name.

Brittany eyes meet mine again and she still has fear in her eyes. "It's okay." I mouth to her. She tried to give me a faint smile and turn her attention back to the ceremony. I turn my attention back to the ceremony. It should be ending soon. So I get out my phone and vine the moment.

"May I now present the class of 2014!" The man at the microphone yells and all the students including Brittany and Selena throw their caps in the air and laugh and cheer. Selena and Brittany hug each other. I turn my phone camera, to me and the guys cheering.

"Yeah Brittany!" I yell into the camera. I end the vine and immediately post it and take to my Twitter to tweet,

Congrats to my beautiful princess, @brittanykarper7 for graduating! Vine is up. So check it!

I tweet it and walk with the guys down to the turf field and try to find the girls. When we get down to the field, we stand to the side and get asked by a couple girls for a picture. We except but make it quick because we were there for Britt and Selena, not anyone else. Sounds harsh, but I have to be fair.

I spot Selena holding Brittany's arm as Britt searches frantically probably for me. Selena taps her and points at me. I hold out my arms and Brittany runs and attacks me with a hug by jumping into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist. Selena does the same to Shawn.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl." I whisper into her ear. I feel a wet drop fall on the bare skin showing on my shoulder, not covered by my shirt.

I remain holding her but back my head away and see tears in her eyes and laugh.

"They better be tears of joy." I say putting her down and wiping them away.

She gives me a gracious smile and without saying another word, she crashes her lips into mine. I place my hands innocently on her cheeks and she remains holding my waist. I could stay like this for hours but I end it because we're in public.

"I can't wait for my graduation present." She winks at me.

"I can't wait to give it to you." I smirk back and move my hands to her perfect ass.

Our moment was rudely interrupted by Selena, but I then understand why.

"Brittany..." She says quietly.

Britt looks at Selena then to other side of our embrace and her body starts shaking, and I don't feel her breathing normally into my chest anymore.


The sight of her made me want to cry. I was terrified. She starts walking toward Cam and I and I pull him closer to me. He grabs my hand as he feels me tense up.


"Congratulations." She says with no expression on her face and no emotion in her voice.

"Where's my present?" I give her a cocky glare.

"Your gift? Your gift is that I'm dropping the charges... And your coming home with me."

The words sting. I gulp quietly and become frozen. I feel like I couldn't even breathe.

"You can't do that! She's living with us." Cameron steps in and gets close to my mom staring her down.

I quickly step in between them because Cameron looks like he was going to attack if my mom took even one step closer to me.

"I don't know who you think you are little boy but this is my daughter and I have full custody!"

"She's 18, she doesn't have to live with you anymore!" Cam shouts back at her from behind me.

"Don't you dare call my boyfriend 'little boy'!" I raise my voice and put my finger in her face.

She says nothing else and slaps me across the face leaving a hand print on my right cheek.


I didn't make any more effort to hold back Cam after that comment she made to me. I let him go like a viscous dog and he pushed my mom a little. She sadly didn't fall over.

Soon, a police man comes running to the scene as if he was watching the whole time and grabs a hold of Cameron. Without thinking, I latch onto the guy's arm and try ripping him off Cameron. Cam doesn't fight back thank goodness, because that would be against the law.... Wait... What I'm doing is against the law. Shit.

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