Chapter 48- High

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Short chapter but it was inspired by some news I found out last night. I found a picture on tumblr of a snapchat Nash took and he had a joint in his hand. I cried for hours last night because of it. I don't understand why he would do this. If this is a fake picture or you have a explanation please tell me.



I wake up in the middle of the night when I hear loud laughs coming from upstairs in Cameron's room. I just woke up in my room, only in black shorts and a hot pink cami. I get up out of bed and shiver a little as I walk quietly to Cam's door. As I climbed his stairs, I kept feeling chilly drafts blowing down at me. I get to the top of the stairs and see the balcony doors open and Cameron, Nash, and Jack & Jack huddled around a campfire in the fire pit Nash's dad bought for the house. I ease drop when I hear my name. Cameron was laughing strangely and ridiculously about of course, having sex with me tonight. It was humiliating but I guess he's either proud or just boys are gonna be boys. Nash and the Jack's are laughing ridiculously too. It was obnoxious and annoying. They were giggly like little girls at their first slumber party.

My thoughts are interrupted when I smell something horrible in the air. It was smoke. Not ordinary cigarette smoke though..... Shit.

"CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!!" I scream at him pissed as I storm into their circle of laughter.

He stands up and faces me and tried to kiss me without saying anything. I pushed him back and he even lost his balance and fell over. It was so annoying.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He giggles.

I turn around and face Jack & Jack and Nash and see the source. 7 smoked joints laying on the small end table and one still in Nash's hand. I rip it out of their hands and grab the bag of weed on the ground in between Jack Johnson's legs and run. I take off down the stairs and to the bathroom. I hear Cameron and Nash chasing me so I pick up the pace. I run into my room and flush it down my personal bathroom's toilet. Just as it fully flushes, Nash and Cam come in looking pissed but still out of it.

Cameron loses it. I immediately cry when I hear the third word that comes out of his mouth. "FUCKING BITCH! Why'd you do that!"

I push them out of my room with all my might and lock the door. I slide down the door crying my eyes out.

Cameron just called me a bitch?!!! High or not, you should have common sense not to call your girlfriend a bitch!! This is why I can't handle anyone who does drugs or even be around them. So if he is willing to give up me for drugs, I don't know what I'll do. Because knowing that I'm living under a roof with druggie's ain't gonna fly. I'll have to move once again, and basically be homeless. I'll probably be quitting my dream job because I won't be able to even work around them. So many thoughts are running through my mind but all I can really worry about is Cameron. Why is he doing this? Why does he feel that this is necessary? When did he start doing this? Why did he take that first joint in between his lips? How can anyone be that stupid?.....

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