Chapter 60- Gotta Tell Cameron

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Just checking in! Chapter 60! Wow! Comment what you're thoughts are now in the story! :)


I wake up to someone poking me in the shoulder. It startles me to open my eyes and look at who it is. Jack G. He had his carry on bag, on his shoulder and everyone else was filing out the door.

"Let's go man." He chuckles at me.

I rush around in my seat trying to pack everything up, still groggy from that 3 hour flight. I think I slept through the whole thing to be honest. I finally get everything packed back into my bag and head out. I was the last one off the plane. When I come out the exit, into the air port, I'm meeted by all the guys... well and Selena, Mahogony, and Brittany.

"Thanks for waking me up, Nash!" I tease him, but was a little curious on why he didn't wake me up.

"You're welcome!" He responds to be cocky.

"Okay, are you prepared to be mobbed?!" Bart yells over all of our side conversations to one and another.

We all laugh and the doors open to the air port. We walk out of the doors, blasted by ear piercing screams from dedicated fans, welcoming us to their state. We all take selfies and give out autographs and just chat with the fans for a good half hour. A couple fans asked me and Brittany to take a selfie with them. I could tell Britt was uncomortable. Sick of people pushing her to me. I want it to come naturally. I need to give her space, even though it's hard, but I can't do it unless people let me give her space.

We say goodbye to all the fans and head to the van that was rented once again, but in this city. I sat in the passanger seat, while Bart drove. Matt and Carter had the two seperated seats behind me and the back row, seat held Taylor, Jack G, and Jack J. So the second van, driven by Chad (Nash's dad), held everyone else. Brittany, Shawn, Selena, Aaron, Nash, and Mahogony. Nash was trying to come into our van, but he was too late, and no one was switching with him.


The car starts to drive and everyone but me, Nash, Selena, and Shawn were sleeping.

"So how's Chad, Brittany?" Selena asks me.

"Good. We finally you know..." I say not remembering it wasn't just me and her who were awake.

Nash whips around in his seat and gives me a sharp look.


"That's just weird." He says seeming like he couldn't find the correct words.

"What's weird about it? He's my boyfriend."

"You know why it's weird..." He says putting his headphones in and turning back around to block everyone out the rest of the ride.


I didn't really turn on my music, I just put in my headphones.


"Shawn, go to sleep." Selena laughs at him and pushes his head onto the window, to pretend to force him asleep.

He laughs and puts on his blue, Beats head phones.

"So I have to ask... how was it?" Selena finally asks and I was hoping it was a question that wouldn't come up, but knowing Selena, how could it not?

"Do you want the detailed truth or just a vague truth?"

"Uhhh... I don't know?"

"Whatever. Well it was really weird. He showed up to the hotel and out of no where, in the middle of the conversation, I found myself kissing him."

"Was there a spark?" She cuts me off.


"OMG! THAT SUCKS!" She exaggerates and yells, causing Chad, driving to turn around and shush us.

"Sorry Mr. Grier." Selena laughs.

"I told you girls to just call me Chad." He smiles, easing the tenseness.

"Anyway, so he was really cute about it though. At one point he tried picking me up to put me on the bed, but couldn't, like he wasn't strong enough. It was more of a silly experience than anything."

I say that causing Selena to giggle. "That's cute. But how was he?"

"Sloppy and you could tell it was his first time."

"Man, that sucks."

"Yeah, I felt nothing the whole time. His dick was pathetic." I laugh so hard causing Selena to laugh at the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Okay, let's tone down the sex talk back there!" Aaron yells from the front passanger seat.

It was embarrassing that he heard that. At least Nash didn't. Cameron would be so hurt if he found out.


I gotta tell Cameron...

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